TABLE Tab - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
First publish date

The TABLE tab contains commands and command lists for working with tables. The TABLE tab is available on the ribbon, unless it is minimized. It is also available at the top of floating Map, Browser and Layout windows. The Table tab for a Browser window displays two additional groups of commands (Browser Tools and Sort and Filter).

Contents Group

These commands modify the contents of a Browser window.

Icon Command Keyboard Shortcut Description
New Browser F4 Creates a new Browser window where data from a table is displayed in tabular format.
Open Ctrl+Shift+O Opens a variety of resources for including in your layout, see File Group.
Save Ctrl+S The commands on the Save Table command list are:

Save Table: Saves changes made to a table.

Save Query Saves a query

Save Copy As: Creates a new table from an existing table.

Revert   Discards edits and uses the last saved table version.
Close   Closes one or more tables.
New Table Ctrl+N Creates a new table. Opens the New Table dialog box.
Export   Exports the table to another format.
Universal Translator   Tool to import and export MapInfo data to and from other popular mapping formats.

Selection Group

These commands provide advanced object selection options.

Icon Command Keyboard Shortcut Description
Select   Selects one or more map/layout objects or browser rows.

To create a selection query, click on the Launcher button in the lower right corner of the Selection group to open the Select dialog box.

SQL Select   Creates a selection by querying using SQL.
Invert   Inverts currently selected map/layout objects or browser rows. Available when objects or rows are selected.
Clear Ctrl+W Deselects map/layout objects or browser rows.
Find Ctrl+F Find (Ctrl+Shift+F): Select an item or row and find the item in all windows.

Find Address: Find an address using a geocoding server. Places a marker on the map.

Mark (Ctrl+F): Find objects by some criteria and place a marker on the map.

Edit Group

Icon Command Keyboard Shortcut Description
Update Column   Use to assign values to a column, add a new (temporary) column using data from another table, move values between columns and enter graphics information into columns for descriptive data.
Append Rows   To attach the rows of one table to another table. The tables should have the same set of columns, in the same order.
Add New Row Ctrl+E Adds a new blank row to the bottom of the active Browser window.
Clear Map Objects   Deletes the selected map objects from the table but leaves the attributes column intact.

Browser Tools Group

The Browser Tools group is enabled when a Browser window is active. It provides access to these commands.

Icon Command Description
Info Displays tabular information about map objects.
HotLink Enabled when the Browser references a table containing hotlink data (URL).
HotLink Options Opens the Hotlink Options dialog box where you can add, remove and manage the Hotlink properties.
Pick Fields Choose which fields display in the active Browser window. You can also use Pick Fields to temporarily rename a column, creates a new column that will display in the Browser window, or edit the expression that defines an existing column.
Font Opens the Text Style Dialog Box where you select how to display the text in the Browser window.
Gridlines Show/Hide the Browser grid lines.

Sort and Filter Group

The Sort and Filter group is enabled when a Browser window is active. It provides access to these commands.

Icon Command Description
Filter Filter: Opens the Filter dialog box where you can set filter conditions for the column. A filter may consist of up to two conditions where each condition is built from a simple set of operations (such as equals, greater than, and so on) and some set of values. After applying a filter to a column, an icon displays in the column header to let you know that the column has a filter. You can apply as many column filters as the number of columns in the table up to a limit of 100. Each new column filter is appended to the previous filters to produce fewer records in the current view.

Clear Filter: Clears the filter conditions from the column and refreshes the Browser window. This only clears the filter on the right-clicked column; filters and sort on other columns are preserved. The Clear Filter command is enabled after you apply a filter condition to a column.

The Filter and Clear Filter commands are also available by right-clicking on a column in the Browser window.

Sort Sort Multi-Column: Opens the Sort dialog box where you would make selections to perform a multi-column sort in the Browser window.

Sort Ascending: Sorts the column containing text alphabetically starting from A to Z. This is also available by right-clicking on the column.

Sort Descending: Sorts the column containing text alphabetically starting from Z to A. This is also available by right-clicking on the column.

Clear Sort: Removes the sort that was applied to the data in the Browser window. This removes the sort from memory, so you cannot reapply the sort after making this selection.

Clear All Removes all sort and filters that were applied to the data in the Browser window. This removes the sort and filters from memory, so you cannot reapply them again after making this selection.
Sort On/Off Turns off a sort, so that you can view data as it appears in the table. After turning a sort off, you can turn it back on to view the sort result.
Re-Sort Reapplies the last sort/filter to the data in a Browser window. This is useful after making changes to the data or after turning the sort/filter on.
Add to Map Opens the Create Query dialog box which allows you to add a query with the current sort and filter conditions as a layer on the map.

Maintenance Group

Icon Command Description
Table Modify Structure: Change the structure for editable tables, including add, remove, rename or reorder fields, add and remove indexes).

Advanced Pack: Compress tables to conserve disk space and eliminate deleted records.

Delete Table: Permanently removes the table and its component files from the computer.

Rename Table: Renames the table and its component files.

Database Commands for maintaining remote database tables. There are also Oracle-specific commands in this group (not shown).

Make DBMS Table Mappable: To make a table that is linked a remote database mappable.

Change DBMS Table Symbol: To change the symbol attributes for the objects in a mappable DBMS table.

Unlink DBMS Table: To unlink a table which was downloaded from a remote database and linked to a MapInfo Pro table.

Refresh DBMS Table: To refresh a MapInfo Pro linked table with the most recent data residing on the remote database for that linked table.

Create Oracle Workspace: Create a new Oracle workspace.

Delete Oracle Workspace: Delete an Oracle workspace.

Merge Oracle Table: Merge a workspace into its parent workspace, resolving conflicts.

Refresh Oracle Table: Refresh a workspace from its parent workspace, resolving conflicts.

Enable Oracle Versioning: Turn versioning on for an existing Oracle table.

Disable Oracle Versioning: Turn versioning off for an existing Oracle table.

Library Add to Library: Create a metadata record for the table in MapInfo Manager Library.

View/Edit Metadata: View and edit a metadata record for the table.

Raster Adjust Image Styles: Adjust raster image color, contrast and brightness.

Modify Image Registration: Add or edit control points used to register a raster image.

Select Control Point: Add control points to a raster image.

Web Services

WFS Table Properties: Opens the WFS Table Properties dialog box to edit the settings for a WFS table.

WFS Table Refresh (Alt+F5): To refresh the WFS layer based on the WFS server settings and the filter options set for WFS Refresh in the Web Services preferences.

WMS Table Properties: Opens the WMS Table Properties dialog box to edit the settings for a WMS table.

WMTS Table Properties: Opens the WMTS Table Properties dialog box to edit the settings for a WMTS table, changing display styles, and image format settings.