GRIDLINES Tab - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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The GRIDLINES tab contains commands and command lists for managing the grids in a Map window. The GRIDLINES tab is available on the ribbon after selecting a Gridline layer for a map in the Explorer window.

If your map does not have a grid layer, you can add one by clicking Gridlines on the MAP tab. For instructions, see Adding Grid Lines to a Map.

Gridline Group

These commands add a grid to a map and modify the properties of it.

Icon Command Description
Add Gridline Creates a new grid layer on the active Map window. You can add more than one grid layer to a map.
Gridline Properties Modifies properties for an existing grid layer on the active Map window, such as the horizontal and vertical spacing of grid lines.

Style Group

These commands control how the labels on grid lines display.

Icon Command Description
Apply Styles Toggles the style override on and off.
Use Stacked Styles Toggles stacked styles on and off. See Stacking Display Styles to Create a Custom Look
  Font Family Changes the font family.
  Font Size Changes the font size.
Increase Font Size Changes the font size incrementally larger.
Decrease Font Size Changes the font size incrementally smaller.
Bold Bolds label text.
Italic Italicizes label text.
Underline Adds an underline to label text.
All Capitols Displays label text in all capitols (TEXT).
Expanded Adds space between the characters of label text (t e x t).
Shadow Adds a shadow effect behind label text.
Halo Adds a halo effect around label text.
Highlight Sets a color to use behind labels to make them more legible on the map.
Label Background Color Selects the background color to use with Halo and Hightlight effects.
Enable Preview Enables a preview of the label while you are making style choices.

Labels Group

These commands control how labels are placed relative to their grid line.

Icon Command Description
  Label Offset Sets a measurement value to place labels from their grid line. This uses the measurement type beside the Map Edge Offset command.
  Map Edge Offset Sets a measurement value to place labels from the edge of the map. The measurement can be in inches (in), centimeters (cm), millimeters (mm), picas, or points.
Label Placement Vertical Lines select to place labels to the left of, centered on, or to the right of grid lines.

Horizontal Lines select to place labels above, centered on, or below grid lines.

Label Positions select an anchor point for placing labels, such as using all sides of labels, the top and left of labels, or the bottom and right of labels.

Label Direction Label Direction select the direction in which to place labels: either horizontal or following grid lines.

Label Format select to display labels using compass direction (N,E,S,W) or degrees (-90 to +90).

Translucency Group

These commands control how opaque a grid layer or its labels are on the map. You can make grid lines transparent to control how much importance the grid has to the map design and to make information behind the grid lines more visible. You can make the labels for grid lines transparent, so that they do not obscure information behind them.

Command Description
Layer Adjusts the percentage of translucency for the layer.
Label Adjusts the percentage of translucency for the labels in the layer.