Displays your data according to ranges you set. The ranges are shaded with colors or patterns. Choose from templates displayed as shaded lines, points, or regions. Ranged thematic maps illustrate data values across points, lines, and regions. They are used to show a relationship between the data values and geographical area (such as sales figures and household income) or to present ratio information, such as population density (population divided by area). Ratio information can be shown in other types of thematic maps when you choose Expression (see Creating a Thematic Map).
To create a ranged map:
- Click on a Map window containing the layer you wish to create the theme for.
- On the MAP tab, in the Content group, click Add Theme to open the Create Thematic Map - Step 1 of 3 wizard panel.
- Click Ranges and select a template from the list.
- Click Next to open the Create Thematic Map - Step 2 of 3 wizard panel.
- Choose the table on which you want to base the shading, and choose the field or expression from where you want to obtain the data values.
- Click Next to open the Create Thematic Map - Step 3 of 3 wizard panel.
- Preview your thematic map's legend and/or customize your map.
- Click OK.
Customizing a Range Map
Customize your thematic map using the Ranges, Styles, or Legend buttons in the Step 3 - Customizing Your Thematic Map wizard panel. To go back to any of the earlier wizard panels to make changes, click Back until you come to the panel whose information you want to change.
Customize three aspects of a ranged map:
- Ranges
- Styles
- Map Legend
Customizing the Ranges of Range Map
You can calculate your ranges for a map using a number of methods. Your choice of method depends on your data values and the type of analysis you want to perform. You can determine ranges based on a statistical or mathematical formula that MapInfo Pro calculates automatically, such as standard deviation; or you can break the ranges according to the number of records, the range intervals, certain statistical values, or a value you choose. You can also set your own ranges using the Custom method.
To customize ranges on a ranged map:
- Click on a Map window containing the layer you wish to create the theme for.
- On the MAP tab, in the Content group, click Add Theme to open the Create Thematic Map - Step 1 of 3 wizard panel.
- Click Ranges and select a template from the list.
- Click Next to open the Create Thematic Map - Step 2 of 3 wizard panel.
- Choose the table you want to shade, and choose the field or expression from where you want to obtain the data values.
- Click Next to open the Create Thematic Map - Step 3 of 3 wizard panel.
- Click Ranges to open the Customize Ranges dialog box.
- Choose the items you want to customize and make the desired changes.
- Click Options if you are using the Equal Count or Equal Ranges methods to use the Forced Break feature.
Customizing the Styles on a Ranges Map
The styles on a ranged map include the color and size attributes of your map objects. You can customize these attributes to illustrate quantitative information about the data values in each range.
To customize range styles on a map:
- Click on a Map window containing the layer you wish to create the theme for.
- On the MAP tab, in the Content group, click Add Theme to open the Create Thematic Map - Step 1 of 3 wizard panel.
- Click Ranges and select a template from the list.
- Click Next to open the Create Thematic Map - Step 2 of 3 wizard panel.
- Choose the table on which you want to base the shading, and choose the field or expression from where you want to obtain the data values.
- Click Next to open the Create Thematic Map - Step 3 of 3 wizard panel.
- Click Styles to display the Customize Range Styles dialog box.
- Choose the items you want to customize and make the desired changes.
- Click Options for advanced customizing features.
- Click OK to save your changes.
When you apply attributes to a thematic layer, attributes from other thematic layers are not affected. Since each layer retains its attributes, you can apply different attributes to each layer, creating a bivariate thematic map that illustrates two specific field values simultaneously.
Customizing Range Styles and Inflection Points
When you customize range styles, you can choose which attributes to display on your map: color, size, or all attributes. The size attribute becomes available when you are working with point and line data. You can change the size of each symbol, or use graduated symbols to represent your ranges.
Another effective way to customize the display of ranges of data is by inserting an inflection point between ranges. An inflection point is a color style that provides you with a second interpolation of your data. This option is useful for showing two sets of contrasting information, like data that contains positive and negative values such as profit and loss figures, or population growth. The colors of the top and bottom ranges spread to, but never reach, the inflection point color. They only approach the inflection point. For example, if the inflection point is white, and the top and bottom range colors are blue and red respectively, the color spreads from blue to white, and from white to red. The ranges closest to the inflection point are either very pale blue or red, but they never actually become white.
For more information, see Using an Inflection Point to Show Distinction.
Customizing the Legend of a Range Map
MapInfo Pro creates a legend automatically when you create a thematic map. Keep the default settings or customize your legend to suit your needs. Click Legend in the Customize section of the Create Thematic Map - Step 3 of 3 wizard panel to customize your map legend's fonts, titles, and more (see Customizing a Thematic Map Legend).