About Graduated Symbol Maps - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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Graduated symbol maps use symbols to represent different values. You can use graduated symbols regardless of the type of map object with which you are working.

For instance, use graduated symbols to show the number of housing units by city. When you select the graduated symbols option, MapInfo Pro varies the size of each symbol according to the value in the sales order field.

You can also represent how much interest each customer has expressed in a given product by assigning a symbol whose size is proportional to the customer's interest.

Graduated symbols maps work best when you use numeric data. If you are working with a layer of restaurants, it makes no sense to create graduated symbols based on the type of cuisine each restaurant serves. However, graduated symbols are appropriate when you want to show the relative number of housing units by city as in the next figure.

Graduated Symbol Map

There are three attributes you can customize on a graduated symbols map: the color, type, and size of the symbol. To change the symbol's attributes in Create Thematic Map - Step 3 of 3, choose Customize Settings and click the symbol icon in the Customize Graduated Symbols dialog box to access the Symbol Style dialog box. The default symbol is a red circle.

In the Customize Graduated Symbols dialog box, the size of the symbol in the Symbol box is the size for the value listed in the at Value box. All values between the high value and zero have interpolated point sizes. If you want the symbols at the low end to be larger, increase the point size.

You can also display symbols for negative data values. To change it, click Options in the Customize Graduated Symbols dialog box. There is a separate symbol picker so that you can make this symbol as distinct from the symbol for positive values as you want. When you click the icon a different Symbol Style dialog box displays, enabling you to choose a different symbol type, change the color or the size, or change any combination of the three attributes. The default symbol for negative values is a blue circle, and all values between zero and the low value (a negative number) also have interpolated point sizes.