Spreading Inflections by Equal Cell Count - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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The Grid Appearance dialog box spreads inflections by equal cell count for grid maps.

To access the Grid Appearance dialog box:

  1. Click the Map window to make it active.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the Layers or Explorer window, double-click on the thematic layer to open the Modify Thematic Map dialog box.
    • In the Legend Designer window, activate the thematic map's legend with a single click and choose Modify Theme from the Content group on the LEGEND tab. (A double-click opens the Legend Frame Properties dialog box.)
  3. Click Styles.
  4. In the Grid Appearance dialog box, select the Equal Cell Count method to set the inflection values so that approximately an equal number of grid cells fall between each inflection value. Inflection breaks can be expressed as a percentage of the whole.
  5. Click OK to close the dialogs and wizard panel.

For example, for a grid that has four inflections that have been spread by equal cell count, 33% of the grid cells will have colors between the colors of the first two inflections, 33% of the grid cells will have colors between the second and third inflection colors, and 33% of the grid cells will have colors that fall between the third and fourth inflection colors. Additionally, the percentages are additive. 67% of the grid cells will have colors between the first and third inflection colors. And 100% or all of the grid cells will have colors between the first and last inflection colors.

When the grid cells are interpolated, these percentages can are converted to actual values. If the inflection spread is based on cell count (equal or custom), you will see percentages in the inflection list view and in the preview map legends. You will not see the actual values until the grid is computed.

When the spread method is based on cell count, any time you change an interpolator parameter or choose to use a different interpolator for an existing grid theme, you will see percentages in the preview map legend.

Changing the number of inflection values in the combo box will respread the cell count percentages. So, if the number of inflections changes from 4 (based on equal cell count, the percentages would be 0%, 33%, 67%, and 100%) to 6, the new percentages would be 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%.