Customizing a Thematic Map Legend - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
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At any time after creating a thematic map legend, you can customize the legend title, add a subtitle, set the font style for text in the legend and edit the labels for the value ranges.

To modify an existing thematic map legend:

  1. Double-click on the thematic map's legend frame in the Legend Designer window.
  2. From the LEGEND tab, click on Modify Theme to open the Modify Theme Map dialog box, then click the Legend button.
  3. Clicking Legend opens the Customize Legend dialog box where you can customize the thematic map's legend title, subtitle, fonts, or range labels. In the Customize Legend dialog box, apply changes for any of the following:
    • Title - Type the title for your thematic map's legend. Leave this blank, if you do not want a title.
    • Title Font - Click the Title Font button to choose the font for the title of your thematic map's legend.
    • Subtitle - Type the desired subtitle for your map, if any.
    • Subtitle Font - Click the Subtitle Font button to choose the font for the subtitle of your thematic map's legend.
    • Restore Default Title and Labels button - Click to restore the default title and labels.
    • Font - Click the Font button to access the Text Style dialog box where you can specify text style attributes for your range labels.
    • Edit selected range here - Make changes to the selected range label in this box.

      Changing the range values in the thematic map's legend does not change the range values in a ranged or individual values map. To do so, go to the Customize Ranges dialog box by either clicking Modify Thematic on the LEGEND tab, or double-clicking on a thematic map's legend frame in the Legend Designer window. Either method displays the Modify Thematic Layer dialog box, where you can access the Ranges button and modify your ranges.

    • Show this Range - Check to have the selected range appear in the thematic map's legend.
    • Show Record Count - Check to include a count of the number of values included in the range. This displays as a number in brackets, such as (34) for 34 values in the range.