Setting Your Directory Preferences - MapInfo_Pro - 2023

MapInfo Pro Help

Product type
Product family
MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
Product name
MapInfo Pro
MapInfo Pro Help
First publish date

You can specify the default directories in which MapInfo Pro looks for files as a software preference. You can specify directories for:

  • Tables
  • Remote tables
  • Workspaces
  • MapBasic programs
  • Import files
  • DBMS SQL queries
  • Theme templates
  • Saved queries
  • New grids
  • Shapefile tables
  • WMS tables
  • WFS tables
  • WMTS tables

The default directories that you set display in the dialog boxes when you open or save files. This includes the four locations that are part of the Open dialog box. When you open a file, you can select an icon from the MapInfo Places Bar for what you set, such as a Workspace Directory icon to display the workspace directory that you set as a preference.

To set your directory preferences:

  1. On the PRO tab, click Options, and Directories to open the Directory Preferences dialog box.

  2. In the Initial Directories for File Dialogs list, select a preference and then click Modify. The Choose Directory dialog box opens.
  3. Enter a new directory location and click OK.
  4. Repeat this process until you have set all of the preferences that you need to.
  5. If you are accessing your application data files and other configuration files (Mapinfow.prj, templates, and custom symbols) remotely, select the Use when searching for application data files check box and enter the path to the remote location in the field below. This field is usually pre-filled for you.
  6. Click OK to close the dialog and save your settings.

You can use this preference to search for raster and grid tables. If you open a *.tab file for a raster or grid image and the image file cannot be found an attempt is made to find the image in the same location as the .TAB. If the image file is not found, it will then use the search directories.