Applying the Affine Transformation - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
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To apply the Affine transformation:

  1. Open an imagery raster in the map window.
  2. On the RASTER tab, in the Operations group, click Raster Operations and then click the Warp Image to open the Warp Image dialog box.
  3. Select Affine method from the Transform Type drop-down list.
  4. Optionally, you can click More Options to specify cell size and cell origin for the raster.

    By default, Automatic is selected for Cell Size which means MapInfo Pro Advanced will calculate the output raster cell size based on the input data points. To enter the cell origin, click the Define Cell Origin check box and then enter the values in Raster Cell Origin boxes.

    The warp operation chooses an output raster cell size that is comparable to the size of the source raster pixel.

  5. Enter a value for the type of transformation you want to perform in Control Points matrix. For more information see, Affine Transformation.
    • Translate Source X
    • Translate Source Y
    • Shear X
    • Shear Y
    • Scale X
    • Scale Y
    • Rotation
    • Translate to World X
    • Translate to World Y
  6. Define Projection.
    • Category - The Category drop-down list consists of all projection systems supported by MapInfo Pro. For example, Longitude/Latitude, Universal Transverse Mercator (ED 50), Universal Transverse Mercator (NAD 27 for Canada), etc.
    • Sub Category - The Sub Category drop-down list consists of the type of projection based on the selected projection system.
  7. Optionally, you can create a virtual raster by selecting the Create MVR check box. In a virtual raster you can control the interpolation method for determining a destination pixel value from a source pixel value.
    • Nearest Neighbor — The destination pixel is assigned the exact value of the closest source pixel. This method is fastest but the least smooth.
    • Bilinear — The destination pixel is a linear interpolation from the four surrounding source pixels.
    • Cubic Spline (Local, Global) — It considers the closest 4x4 neighborhood and calculates the value of each pixel by fitting a smooth curve based on the surrounding 16 input pixels. Cubic Spline produces the smoothest image but it can create values outside of the range found in the source data. It is suitable for continuous data.
    • Default - One of the described interpolation methods is chosen based on the field type, the data type, and other properties of the field and band. MapInfo Pro Advanced chooses the smoothest possible interpolation method that is suitable.

    Note - For a virtual raster the supported output formats are .xml and .mvr only.

  8. In the Output File box enter the name you want to specify for your output file. Click to browse to the location in your computer to save the output file and select the required output file format.
    1. Click Output Settings to specify the following. The values in Output Settings are controlled by the Raster Preferences dialog; however, you can override those settings here.
      • Display Output File - Select the check-box, if you want to open the output file in the Map window on completion of the operation. You can configure to make this the default behavior from the Raster Preferences dialog.
  9. Click Process to start the raster interpolation process. On completion of the operation, if you have selected Display output file check-box in Output Settings, the output raster displays in the map window.