The ESRI ASCII Grid option in the Export tool enables you to export an input raster into a ESRI ASCII raster format so that it can be used for analysis with other software applications. The output raster file will contain header information that defines the properties of the raster such as the cell size, the number of rows and columns, and the coordinates of the origin of the raster. The header information is followed by cell value information delimited by spaces, with each row separated by a carriage return.
The structure of the ESRI ASCII raster has the header information, followed by the cell value data.
Header Information:
Header | Description |
ncols | Number of columns in X direction |
nrows | Number of rows in Y direction |
xllcorner | X coordinate of the origin (by lower left corner of the cell) |
yllcorner | Y coordinate of the origin (by lower left corner of the cell) |
cellsize | The cell size |
NODATA_value | The input values to be NoData (null cells) in the output raster |