Introducing MapInfo Pro Advanced - MapInfo_Pro_Advanced - 2023

MapInfo Pro Advanced Help

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MapInfo > MapInfo Pro
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MapInfo Pro Advanced
MapInfo Pro Advanced Help
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The raster capabilities of MapInfo Pro Advanced extend MapInfo Pro 64-bit to provide high-quality visualization and analysis of grid-based spatial information.

Building on the various Geographic Information System (GIS) features of MapInfo Pro, the new Raster capabilities convert MapInfo Pro into an advanced, sophisticated and easy-to-use tool for managing, manipulating, and displaying a variety of data sets.

MapInfo Pro Advanced gives you the ability to process and view data in ways that previously required a number of software packages. A geologist in the field, an exploration manager in head office, or a draft-person in a regional office can use this product to track settlement activity, contour raster data, analyze geographic data, facilitate map creation, easily produce scaled hard copy output, and more.

The installation of MapInfo Pro 64-bit also installs the MapInfo Raster Software Development Kit (SDK) on your computer. The Raster SDK:

  • Provides high performance analysis and processing of raster data set
  • Enables high performance with very large raster files
  • Efficiently displays data at all zoom levels
  • Supports both numeric and classified data in the same file
  • Supports grid and/or imagery formats

The help topics in this document provide you with the necessary information to read, create, analyze, and process all types of raster data such as continuous, classified, imagery, and image palette within a single application.