Convert strings to codes: |
Asc() |
Convert codes to strings: |
Chr$() |
Convert strings to numbers: |
Val() |
Convert numbers to strings: |
Str$(), Format$() |
Convert a number or a string to a date: |
NumberToDate(), StringToDate() |
Converting to a 2-Digit Year: |
Set Date Window, DateWindow() |
Convert object types: |
ConvertToRegion(), ConvertToPline() |
Convert labels to text: |
LabelInfo() |
Convert a point object to a MGRS coordinate: |
PointToMGRS$() |
Convert a MGRS coordinate to a point object: |
MGRSToPoint() |
Convert a point object to a USNG coordinate: |
PointToUSNG$(obj, datumid) |
Convert a USNG coordinate to a point object: |
USNGToPoint(string) |