These libraries allow access to RSS feeds and other web-based location information such as weather information, traffic feeds, vehicle locations, etc., as well as the ability to set up FTP connections and search, receive, and send files through a MapBasic program. This library uses the common DEF files: HTTPLib.DEF, HTTPType.DEF, and HTTPUtil.DEF, which are installed in <Your MapBasic Installation Directory>\Samples\MapBasic\INC. Make sure you include these files as header files into your programs. All the functionality described in this appendix is also dependent on the presence of GmlXlat.dll which is installed with MapInfo Pro.
We have provided sample applications that demonstrate the use of these libraries. See <Your MapBasic Installation Directory>\Samples\MapBasic\HTTPLib and <Your MapBasic Installation Directory>\Samples\MapBasic\FTPLib for the specific samples.
All of the functions and procedures listed in this appendix are wrappers of the corresponding methods of Microsoft MFC Classes. The wrapped classes include CInternetSession, CHttpConnection, CFtpConnection, CHttpFile, and CFtpFileFind. For more detailed information about the usage of the related classes refer to the MSDN reference for MFC classes (,vs.80).aspx).