Symbol( shape, color, size )
shape is an integer, 31 or larger, specifying which character to use from MapInfo Pro's standard symbol set. To create an invisible symbol, use 31; see table below. The standard set of symbols includes symbols 31 through 67, but the user can customize the symbol set by using the Symbol application.
color is an integer RGB color value; see RGB() function.
size is an integer point size, from 1 to 48.
Symbol is a clause and not a complete MapBasic statement. It specifies the settings that dictate the appearance of a point object: Object-related statements, such as the CreatePoint() function, use a Symbol clause to set the display style for an object.
Some MapBasic statements (for example, Alter Object...Info OBJ_INFO_SYMBOL) take a Symbol expression as a parameter (for example, the name of a Symbol variable), rather than a full Symbol clause (the keyword Symbol followed by the name of a Symbol variable).
The following table lists the standard symbol shapes that are available when you use MapInfo 3.0 symbols:
The following example shows how a Set Map statement can incorporate a Symbol clause. Set Map statement below specifies that symbol objects in the mapper's first layer should be displayed using symbol 34 (a filled circle), filled in red, at a size of eighteen points.
Include "mapbasic.def"
Set Map
Layer 1 Display Global
Global Symbol MakeSymbol(34,RED,18)