The Set Undo statement turns the Layout Designer window’s Undo feature on or off. You can issue this statement from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
Set Undo [ Window window_id ] { Enable | Disable }
window_id is an integer window identifier for a Layout Designer window. If you omit the optional Window clause, then this statement uses the front-most Layout Designer window.
The Set Undo statement turns the Layout Designer window’s Undo feature on or off. When your MapBasic script performs a large number of layout changes, turning off the Undo feature could reduce memory usage or increase processing speed.
By default, every Layout Designer window is able to undo recent additions, deletions, and edits made to the layout. To turn off the Undo feature, issue a Set Undo statement with the Disable keyword. To re-enable the Undo feature, use the Set Undo statement with the Enable keyword.
Each Layout Designer window has a separate Undo history. The Set Undo statement affects only the window that you specify. To turn off the Undo feature for multiple layouts, issue multiple Set Undo statements.
Disabling Undo for a Layout Designer window clears its Undo history. When you enable Undo, the window begins to store a history of edits that you can then undo.
See Also:
UndoInfo() function Set Table statement