Resets the current Pen, Brush, Symbol, or Font style. You can issue this statement from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
Set Style
{ Brush... | Font... | Pen... |
BorderPen | LinePen | Symbol... }
Font is a valid Font clause to specify a text style.
Pen is a valid Pen clause to specify a line style.
Brush is a valid Brush clause to specify fill style.
Symbol is a valid Symbol clause to specify a point style.
BorderPen takes a Pen clause which specifies a border line style.
LinePen takes a Pen clause which specifies a line style.
The Set Style statement resets the Pen, Brush, Symbol, or Font style currently in use.
The Pen clause sets both the line and border pen. To set them individually, use the LinePen clause to set the line and the BorderPen clause to set the border. When the user draws a new graphical object to a Map or Layout window, MapInfo Pro creates the object using whatever Font, Pen, Brush, and/or Symbol styles are currently in use.
Example of Brush, Symbol, and Font:
Include "mapbasic.def"
Set Style Brush MakeBrush(64, CYAN, BLUE)
Set Style Symbol MakeSymbol( 9, BLUE, 14)
Set Style Font MakeFont("Arial", 1, 14, BLACK,WHITE)
Example of Pen:
In this example, the line pen and the border pen are red.
Include "mapbasic.def"
Set Style Pen MakePen(3, 9, RED)
Example of LinePen and BorderPen:
In this example, the line pen is red and the border pen is green.
Include "mapbasic.def"
Set Style LinePen MakePen(6, 77, RED)
Set Style BorderPen MakePen(6, 77, GREEN)
See Also:
CurrentBrush() function, CurrentFont() function, CurrentPen() function, CurrentSymbol() function, MakeBrush() function, MakeFont() function, MakePen() function, MakeSymbol() function, RGB() function