To control the behavior of the join condition evaluation order and support for cross-joins in a session.
Set SQL Version version_num
version_num is a value of either 1900 or 1700.
- A version number higher than 1900 will default to 1900, and a version number lower than 1900 will set the SQL version to 1700.
- A version less than 1900 will set MapInfo Pro to use the old SQL behavior - join conditions are evaluated from left to right, and support for cross-joins is disabled. To allow cross-joins with SQL version 1700, use the Cross Join keyword explicitly in the SQL Select statement. This would also change the order of evaluation of join conditions from right to left for the particular SQL Select statement.
- A version number greater than or equal to 1900 will set MapInfo Pro to use the new
SQL behavior - join conditions are evaluated from right to left, and support
for cross joins is enabled. In this case, you can perform cross-joins with
or without using the Cross Join keyword in the SQL Select
statement.Note: The default SQL version is set to 1700, cross-join support is not available by default, and join conditions are evaluated from left to right.
Controls the behavior of the join condition evaluation order and support for cross-joins in a session.