Changes the settings of an existing Prism Map window. You can issue this statement from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
Set PrismMap
[Window window_id ]
[ Camera [ Zoom factor | Pitch angle | Roll angle | Yaw angle |
Elevation angle Position ( x,y,z ) |
FocalPoint ( x,y,z ) ] ]
[ Orientation ( vu_1, vu_2, vu_3, vpn_1, vpn_2, vpn_3,
clip_near, clip_far ) ] ]
[ Light [ Position ( x,y,z ) | Color lightcolor ] ]
[ Scale grid_scale ]
[ Background backgroundcolor ]
[ Label With infotips_expr ]
[ Refresh ]
window_id is a window identifier a for a mapper window which contains a Grid layer. An error message is displayed if a Grid layer is not found.
mapper_creation_string specifies a command string that creates the mapper textured on the grid.
Camera specifies the camera position and orientation.
angle is an angle measurement in degrees. The horizontal angle in the dialog box ranges from 0-360 degrees and rotates the maps around the center point of the grid. The vertical angle in the dialog box ranges from 0-90 and measures the rotation in elevation from the start point directly over the map.
Pitch adjusts the camera's current rotation about the X-Axis centered at the camera's origin.
Roll adjusts the camera's current rotation about the Z-Axis centered at the camera's origin.
Yaw adjusts the camera's current rotation about the Y-Axis centered at the camera's origin.
Elevation adjusts the current camera's rotation about the X-Axis centered at the camera's focal point.
Position indicates the camera or light position.
FocalPoint indicates the camera or light focal point.
Orientation specifies the cameras ViewUp (vu_1, vu_2, vu_3), ViewPlane Normal (vpn_1, vpn_2, vpn_3), and Clipping Range (clip_near, clip_far), used specifically for persistence of view.
backgroundcolor is a color to be used to set the background and is specified using the RGB() function.
infotips_expr is the expression to use for InfoTips.
Refresh regenerates the texture from the original tables.
The Set PrismMap statement changes the settings of an already created Prism Map.
The following example changes the original PrismMap window's resolution in the x and y, the scale to de-emphasize the grid in the z-direction (< 1) and changes the background color to yellow.
Dim win3D as Integer
Create PrismMap Resolution(75,75) Resolution(100,100) Scale 2 Background
win3D = FrontWindow()
Set PrismMap Window win3D Resolution(150,100) Scale 0.75 Background
See Also:
Create PrismMap statement, PrismMapInfo() function