If multistyle overrides are defined for a layer, they are enabled by default.
To enable or disable multistyle overrides for a layer, use the Override clauses with either the On or Off option.
To remove an existing override definition for a layer, use Override Remove clause.
Syntax: enable or disable overrides
Set Map
[ Window window_id ]
[ Layer layer_id [ [ Style ] Override { On | Off } ] ]
Syntax: remove overrides
Set Map
[ Window window_id ]
[ Layer layer_id
[ [ Style ] Override Remove {
All | override_index [ , override_index,] } ] ]
window_id is the integer window identifier of a Map window.
layer_id identifies which layer to modify; can be a SmallInt (for example, use 1 to specify the top map layer other than Cosmetic) or a string representing the name of a table displayed in the map.
override_index is an integer index (1-based) for the override definition within the layer. Each override is tied to an zoom range and is ordered so that the smallest zoom range value is on top (index 1).
If multistyle overrides are defined for a layer, they are enabled by default. To disable but not delete them use the Overrides clause with either the On or Off option.
For more information about style overrides for layers, see Adding Style Overrides to a Layer and Modifying Style Overrides for a Layer.
Set Map Layer 1 Style Override Remove 3, 2
Set Map Layer 1 Style Override Remove All