The following clause adds a new hotlink definition to the map. For a detailed description of the Activate clause, see Managing Hotlinks.
Set Map
[ Window window_id ]
[ Layer layer_id
[ Activate Add [First] LAYER_ACTIVATE_CLAUSES ] ]
Using launch_expr [ On { Labels | Objects | Labels Objects } ]
[ Relative Path { On | Off } ] [ Enable { On | Off } ]
[ Alias expression ] [ ,LAYER_ACTIVATE_CLAUSES ]
window_id is the integer window identifier of a Map window.
layer_id identifies which layer to modify; can be a SmallInt (for example, use 1 to specify the top map layer other than Cosmetic) or a string representing the name of a table displayed in the map.
launch_expr must not be an empty string (for example, "").
expression the placeholder of the actual file name expression being set (any URL or filename).
First is optional to insert the new items at the beginning of the list.
Enable clause has two options On and Off. When set to On, it enables the hotlink definition and when set to Off, it disables the hotlink definition.
Set Map Layer 1 Activate Add Using URL1 On Objects Relative Path On Alias
URL, Using URL2 On Objects Enabled Off
Set Map Layer 1 Activate Add First Using URL1 On Objects