Causes MapInfo Pro to retry file i/o operations when file-sharing conflicts occur. You can issue this statement from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
Set File Timeout n
n is a positive integer, zero or greater, representing a duration in seconds.
Ordinarily, if an operation cannot proceed due to a file-sharing conflict, MapInfo Pro displays a Retry/Cancel dialog box. If a MapBasic program issues a Set File Timeout statement, MapInfo Pro automatically retries the operation instead of displaying the Retry/Cancel dialog box.
If n is greater than zero, retry processing is enabled. Thereafter, whenever the user attempts to read a table that is busy (for example, a table that is being saved by another user), MapInfo Pro repeatedly tries to access the table. If, after n seconds, the table is still unavailable, MapInfo Pro displays a Retry/Cancel dialog box. Note that the Retry/Cancel dialog box is not trappable; the dialog box appears regardless of whether an error handler has been enabled.
If n is zero, retry processing is disabled. Thereafter, if MapInfo Pro attempts to access a table that is busy, the Retry/Cancel dialog box appears immediately.
Do not use the Set File Timeout statement and the OnError error-trapping feature at the same time. In places where an error handler is enabled, the file-timeout value should be zero.
In places where the file-timeout value is greater than zero, error trapping should be disabled. For more information on file-sharing issues, see the MapBasic User Guide.
Set File Timeout 100