Set Designer Legend statement - MapBasic - 2023

MapInfo MapBasic Reference

Product type
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MapInfo > MapBasic
Product name
MapInfo MapBasic Reference
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Refreshes the Legend window, sets the orientation to portrait or landscape. (To change the size, position, or title of the Legend window itself, use the Set Window statement.) You can issue this statement from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.

Syntax 1

Set Designer Legend 
	[ Window legend_window_id ]
	[ Refresh ]
	[ Portrait | Landscape ]

legend_window_id is an integer window identifier that you can obtain by calling the FrontWindow() function and the WindowID() function.

Syntax 2

Set Designer Legend 
	[ Antialias { On | Off } ]


The Set DesignerLegend statement allows you to set redraw functionality on or off, refresh, set the orientation to portrait or landscape.

If a Window clause is not specified MapInfo Pro will use the topmost Legend window.

The optional Refresh keyword causes the Legend window to refresh.

The optional Portrait clause aligns frames on the left and Landscape aligns frames frames on the top of the Legend window.

The Antialias clause turns anti-alias on or off when drawing raster symbols on the map. Symbols are drawn as vector. Line and region styles are drawn as raster, but are not anti-aliased, so they do not appear blurry. By default, anti-aliasing is set to off for the Set Designer Legend statement.


This statement refreshs the styles in the Legend window.

Set Designer Legend Window 123432 Refresh

This statement orders all the legend frames along the top.

Set Designer Legend Window 123432 Landscape

This statement orders all the legend frames along the left.

Set Designer Legend Window 123432 Portrait

This statement refreshs and orders all the legend frames along the left.

Set Designer Legend Window 123432 Refresh Portrait

This statement turns on anti-aliasing for all currently open and any new Legend windows.

Set Designer Legend Antialias On

This statement turns off anti-aliasing.

Set Designer Legend Antialias Off
Note: To set anti-aliasing to be on as the default setting for legends, consider adding this MapBasic command to a workspace, such as startup.wor, or to the MapBasic window at runtime.

See Also:

Add Designer Frame statement, Alter Designer Frame statement, Create Designer Legend statement, Remove Designer Frame statement