Sets MapInfo Pro to process Combine operations using an older algorithm that was in use before MapInfo Pro 9.5.1.
Set Combine Version version_num
version_num a value of either 950 or 951. A version number higher than 951 generates an error., and a version number lower than 950 uses the older (version 9.5 and older) algorithm.
MapInfo Pro 9.5.1 introduced a new algorithm to yield self-intersecting polygons when processing data. However, Oracle does not consider these objects valid, so it is unable to return these objects to MapInfo Pro or process them. To upload, store, retrieve, or use this data in Oracle, you must find the self-intersecting polygons in the data and remove them, or run the Combine operations using the older algorithm (in use before MapInfo Pro 9.5.1).
To determine if your data contains self-intersecting polygons, in MapInfo Pro, run your table through the Check Regions process that is accessible from the Objects menu. To remove unwanted self-intersecting polygons, run a Clean operation on the table. Note that Check Regions and Clean take some time to process large tables.
To process your data using the older Combine algorithms, add this MapBasic command to a workspace, such as startup.wor, or to a MapBasic window at runtime. You cannot add this commands to a MapBasic application directly because it will not compile. However, you can issue it using a Run Command statement within a MapBasic application.
To use Combine operations from MapInfo Pro 9.5 or earlier, use the MapBasic command:
Set Combine Version 950
To use Combine operations from MapInfo Pro 9.5.1 or later, use the MapBasic command:
Set Combine Version 951
See Also:
Set Buffer Version statement