Changes the object styles for a mappable ODBC table. This updates the MapCatalog. You can issue this statement from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
Server ConnectionNumber Set Map linked_table
[ ObjectType { Point | Line | Region | Text | ALL } ]
[ Symbol(...) ]
[ Linestyle Pen(...) ]
[ Regionstyle Pen(...) Brush(...) ]
ConnectionNumber is an integer value that identifies the specific connection.
linked_table is the name of an open linked DBMS table.
ObjectType clause specifies the type of object in the table and allows you to specify objects as points, lines, regions, text, or all objects, see Server Create Map statement for details.
Symbol is a valid Symbol clause to specify a point style.
Linestyle Pen specifies the line style to be used for a line object type.
Regionstyle Pen(...) Brush(...) clause specifies the line style and fill style to be used for a region object type.
The Server Set Map statement changes the object styles of an open mappable ODBC table. An ODBC table is made mappable with the Server Create Map statement.
Declare Sub Main
Sub Main
Dim ConnNum As Integer
ConnNum = Server_Connect("ODBC", "DSN=SQS;PWD=sys;SRVR=seneca")
Server ConnNum Set Map "Cities"
ObjectType Point
Symbol (35,0,12)
Server ConnNum Disconnect
End Sub
See Also:
Server Create Map statement