Identifies the spatial information for a server table. It does not alter the table to add the spatial columns. For this release, we have added the option to place Oracle 11g annotation text in MapInfo maps. You can issue this statement from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
To support the changes to the Make Table Mappable dialog box, we use the Server <Connection Number> Create Map statement to register the metadata in the MAP CATALOG. To support ANNOTATION TEXT, we have introduced a Text object type. The statement is now:
Server ConnectionNumber Create Map
For linked_table
Type { MICODE columnname | XYINDEX (xcolumnname, ycolumnname) | {
[ CoordSys... ]
[ MapBounds { Data | Coordsys | Values ( x1, y1 ) ( x2, y2 ) } ]
[ ObjectType { Point | Line | Region | Text | ALL } ]
[ Symbol(...) ]
[ Linestyle Pen(...) ]
[ Regionstyle Pen(...) Brush(...) ]
[ Style Type style_number [ Column column_name ] ]
Text supports the creation of the text object for annotation text. The ALL option does not include this text object.
connectionNumber is an integer value that identifies the specific connection.
linked_table is the name of an open, linked ODBC table.
columnname is the name of the column containing the coordinates for the specified type.
xcolumnname is the name of the X column containing longitude value of the coordinate
ycolumnname is the name of the Y column containing latitude value of the coordinate
x1, y1, x2, y2 define the coordinate system bounds.
CoordSy clause specifies the coordinate system and projection to be used.
MapBounds clause allows you to specify what to store for the entire/default table view bounds in the MapCatalog. The default is Data which calculates the bounds of all the data in the layer. (For programs compiled before 7.5, the default will is Coordsys).
Coordsys stores the coordinate system bounds. This is not recommended as it may cause the entire layer default view to appear empty if the Coordsys bounds are significantly greater than the bounds of the actual data. Most users are zoomed out too far to see their data using this option.
Values lets you specify your own bounds values for the MapCatalog.
ObjectType clause specifies the type of object in the table: points, lines, regions, text, or all objects. If no ObjectType clause is specified, the default is Point. The Text option allows for the placement of Oracle Spatial annotation text into a text object., and the type for this option is ORA_SP. The ALL option does not include text.
Symbol is a valid Symbol clause to specify a point style.
Linestyle Pen is a valid Pen clause that specifies the line style to be used for a line object type.
Regionstyle Pen is a valid Pen clause and Brush is a valid Brush clause that specifies the line style and fill style to be used for a region object type.
StyleType sets per-row symbology. style_number is a value either 0 or 1. The Column keyword and argument must be present when style_number is set to 1 (one). When the style_number is set to zero the Column keyword is ignored and the rendition columns in the MapCatalog are cleared.
The Server Create Map statement makes a table linked to a remote database mappable. For a SpatialWare, Oracle Spatial, SQL Server Spatial or PostGIS table, you can make the table mappable for points, lines, or regions. For all other tables, you can make a table mappable for points only. Any MapInfo Pro table may be displayed in a Browser, but only a mappable table can have graphical objects attached to it and be displayed in a Map window.
Attribute Types | Description |
ORA_SP columnname | OracleSpatial |
SPATIALWARE | SpatialWare for SQL Server |
POSTGIS | PostGIS for PostgreSQL |
Sub Main
Dim ConnNum As Integer
ConnNum = Server_Connect("ODBC",
Server ConnNum Create Map For "Cities"
CoordSys Earth Projection 1, 0
ObjectType All
ObjectType Point
Symbol (35,0,12)
Server ConnNum Disconnect
End Sub
The following is an example of the MapBasic statement for the ANNOTEXT_TABLE:
Server 1 Create Map For """MIPRO"".""ANNOTEXT_TABLE"""
CoordSys Earth Projection 12, 62, "m", 0 Bounds
(-34012036.7393, -8625248.51472) (34012036.7393, 8625248.51472)
mapbounds data
ObjectType Text
See Also:
Server Link Table statement, Unlink statement