Allows an object (not a text object) to be rotated about the rotation anchor point. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
Rotate( object, angle )
object represents an object that can be rotated. It cannot be a text object.
angle is a float value that represents the angle (in degrees) to rotate the object.
Return Value
A rotated object.
The Rotate() function Rotates all object types except for text objects without altering the source object in any way.
To rotate text objects, use the Alter Object OBJ_GEO_TEXTANGLE statement.
If an arc, ellipse, rectangle, or rounded rectangle is rotated, the resultant object is converted to a polyline/polygon so that the nodes can be rotated.
dim RotateObject as object
Open Table "C:\MapInfo_data\TUT_USA\USA\STATES.TAB"
map from states
select * from States where state = "IN"
RotateObject = rotate(selection.obj, 45)
insert into states (obj) values (RotateObject)
See Also:
RotateAtPoint() function