This statement removes a page from the Layout window. You can issue this statement from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
Remove Designer Page
[ Window layout_win ] ID page_number [ , page_number2 . . . ]
layout_win is the window ID of a Layout window.
page_number is a page number from one (1) to the number of pages in the Layout window. You can specify more than one page number, by separating the numbers with a comma.
The Remove Designer Page statement removes one or more pages from the Layout window. If the layout has only one page, you cannot remove that page using this statement; the only way to remove the last page of a layout is to close the Layout window (see the the Close Window statement).
Errors are generated for the following conditions:
- Error 8221 is generated if the pageNum value is less than 1 or greater than the number of pages.
- Error 8220 is generated if the statement includes the same page number multiple times.
Remove Designer Page Window FrontWindow( ) ID 3, 4
See Also:
Close Window statement, Create Designer Legend statement, Add Designer Frame statement, Add Designer Page statement, Add Designer Text statement, Add Image Frame statement