RangeThemeItemInfo() function - MapBasic - 2023

MapInfo MapBasic Reference

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MapInfo > MapBasic
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MapInfo MapBasic Reference
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Returns information about a specific theme range for a range thematic layer in a map. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.


RangeThemeItemInfo ( map_window_id, thematic_layer_id, range_item_id, attribute )

map_window_id is a Map window identifier.

thematic_layer_id is a SmallInt that identifies a range thematic layer in a Map.

range_item_id is an Integer that identifies a theme range.

attribute is a SmallInt code indicating the type of information to return; see table below.

Return Value

Depends on the attribute parameter.


The attribute parameter can be any value from the table below.
attribute code ID RangeThemeItemInfo() returns
RANGETHEME_ITEM_INFO_LINE 1 Line style clause used for displaying objects that belong to the specified Range ID. If the theme is not a line based theme, a default line style is returned: Pen (1, 2, color) where color is the foreground color of the predominant geometry (regions or points) range style.
RANGETHEME_ITEM_INFO_PEN 2 Pen style clause used for displaying border of objects that belong to the specified Range ID. If the theme is not a region based theme, a default pen is returned: Pen(1, 2, 0).
RANGETHEME_ITEM_INFO_BRUSH 3 Brush style clause used for displaying objects that belong to the specified Range ID. If the theme is not a region based theme, a default brush will be returned using the color of the predominant geometry (lines or points) range style.
RANGETHEME_ITEM_INFO_SYMBOL 4 Symbol style clause used for displaying objects that belong to the specified Range ID. If the theme is not a point based theme, a default style will be returned using the color of the predominant geometry (regions or lines) range style.
RANGETHEME_ITEM_INFO_FROM 5 Value (Small Integer or Integer or Float or Time or Date or Datetime, etc.) is returned representing the minimum value for the specified Range ID.
RANGETHEME_ITEM_INFO_TO 6 Value (Small Integer or Integer or Float or Time or Date or Datetime, etc.) is returned representing the maximum value for the specified Range ID.

See Also:

RangeThemeInfo() function