Converts an object value representing a point into a string representing an MGRS (Military Grid Reference System) coordinate. Only point objects are supported. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
PointToMGRS$( inputobject )
inputobject is an object expression representing a point.
MapInfo Pro automatically converts the input point from the current MapBasic coordinate system to a Long/Lat (WGS84) datum before performing the conversion to an MGRS string. However, by default, the MapBasic coordinate system is Long/Lat (no datum); using this as an intermediate coordinate system can cause a significant loss of precision in the final output, since datumless conversions are much less accurate. As a rule, the MapBasic coordinate system should be set to either Long/Lat (WGS84) or to the coordinate system of the source data table, so that no unnecessary intermediate conversions are performed. See Example 2 below.
Return Value
The following examples illustrate the use of both the MGRSToPoint() and PointToMGRS$() functions.
Example 1:
dim obj1 as Object
dim s_mgrs As String
dim obj2 as Object
obj1 = CreatePoint(-74.669, 43.263)
s_mgrs = PointToMGRS$(obj1)
obj2 = MGRSToPoint(s_mgrs)
Example 2:
Open Table "C:\Temp\MyTable.TAB" as MGRSfile
' When using the PointToMGRS$() or MGRSToPoint() functions,
' it is very important to make sure that the current MapBasic
' coordsys matches the coordsys of the table where the
' point object is being stored.
'Set the MapBasic coordsys to that of the table used
Set CoordSys Table MGRSfile
'Update a Character column (e.g. COL2) with MGRS strings from
'a table of points
Update MGRSfile
Set Col2 = PointToMGRS$(obj)
'Update two float columns (Col3 & Col4) with
'CentroidX & CentroidY information
'from a character column (Col2) that contains MGRS strings.
Update MGRSfile
Set Col3 = CentroidX(MGRSToPoint(Col2))
Update mgrstestfile ' MGRSfile
Set Col4 = CentroidY(MGRSToPoint(Col2))
Table MGRSfile
Close Table MGRSfile
See Also:
MGRSToPoint() function