Returns the point size for a given pen width. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
PenWidthToPoints( penwidth )
penwidth is an integer greater than 10 representing the pen width.
Return Value
The PenWidthToPoints() function takes a pen width and returns the point size for that pen. The pen width for a line style may be returned by the StyleAttr() function. The pen width returned by the StyleAttr() function may be in points or pixels. Pen widths of less than ten are in pixels. Any pen width of ten or greater is in points. PenWidthToPoints() only returns values for pen widths that are in points. To determine if pen widths are in pixels or points, use the IsPenWidthPixels() function.
Dim CurPen As Pen
Dim Width As Integer
Dim PointSize As Float
CurPen = CurrentPen()
Width = StyleAttr(CurPen, PEN_WIDTH)
If Not IsPenWidthPixels(Width) Then
PointSize = PenWidthToPoints(Width)
End If
See Also:
CurrentPen() function, IsPenWidthPixels() function, MakePen() function, Pen clause, PointsToPenWidth() function, StyleAttr() function