Specifies a line style for graphic objects. You can use this clause in the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
Pen pen_expr
pen_expr is a Pen expression, for example, MakePen( width, pattern, color )
The Pen clause specifies a line style―in other words, a set of thickness, pattern, and color settings that dictate the appearance of a line or polyline object.
The Pen clause is not a complete MapBasic statement. Various object-related statements, such as the Create Line statement, let you include a Pen clause to specify an object's line style. The keyword Pen may be followed by an expression which evaluates to a Pen value. This expression can be a Pen variable:
Pen pen_var
or a call to a function (for example, the CurrentPen() function or the MakePen() function) which returns a Pen value:
Pen MakePen(1, 2, BLUE)
You can create an interleaved line style by adding 128 to the pattern value. The following example draws a two (2) pixel cyan colored line using pattern 101 in an interleaved style (101+128=229):
Pen MakePen(2, 229, CYAN)
With some MapBasic statements (for example, the Set Map statement), the keyword Pen can be followed immediately by the three parameters that define a Pen style (width, pattern, and color) within parentheses:
Pen(1, 2, BLUE)
Some MapBasic statements take a Pen expression as a parameter (for example, the name of a Pen variable), rather than a full Pen clause (the keyword Pen followed by the name of a Pen variable). The Alter Object statement is one example.
You can also directly assign a string-based style clause into a variable of type Pen. For example,
dim fnt as Font
fnt = "Font (""Arial"",0,9,0)"
'this assignment will work now, and string-based font clause will convert
Font variable.
The following table summarizes the components that define a Pen:
Component | Description |
width | Integer value, usually from 1 to 7, representing the thickness of the line (in pixels). To create an invisible line style, specify a width of zero, and use a pattern value of 1 (one). To specify a width using points, calculate the pen width from a point size using the PointsToPenWidth() function. This calculation multiplies the point size by 10 and then adds 10 to the result, so the pen width is always larger than 10. |
pattern | Integer value from 1 to 118; see table below. Pattern 1 is invisible.
To specify an interleaved line style, add 128 to the pattern. However, not all patterns benefit from an interleaved line style. |
color | Integer RGB color value; see RGB() function. |
The available pen patterns appear in the figure below.
Dim cable As Object
Create Line
Into Variable cable
(73.5, 42.6) (73.67, 42.9)
Pen MakePen(1, 2, BLACK)
Apply line styles to a layer in a map as a layer style override: Pen width = 5 points; Line style B17 in line style picker; penpattern = 66.
Set Map Window <windowid>
Layer 1 Display Global
Global Line (60,194,16711680)
' Interleave: 194 = 66 + 128
Set Map Window 234499920
Layer 1 Display Global
Global Line MakePen(PointsToPenWidth(5),66,16711680)
' 5 point line, non-interleaved
See Also:
Alter Object statement, CreateLine() function, Create Pline statement, CurrentPen() function, IsPenWidthPixels() function, MakePen() function, PointsToPenWidth() function, PenWidthToPoints() function, RGB() function, Set Style statement