Adds nodes to the target objects at any places where the target objects intersect the currently selected objects; corresponds to on the Objects menu pointing to Overlay Nodes. You can issue this statement from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
Objects Overlay Into Target
[ Concurrency { All | Aggressive | Intermediate | Moderate | None } ]
Before you call Objects Overlay, one or more objects must be selected, and an editing target must exist. The editing target may have been set by the user when on the Objects menu they point to Set Target, or it may have been set by the MapBasic Set Target statement. For more information, see the discussion of Overlay Nodes in the MapInfo Pro Help.
- All: Full concurrency. All processors on your system perform the operation. This is the default setting MapInfo Pro installs with.
- Aggressive: Aggressive concurrency, 75% of the processors on your system perform the operation.
- Intermediate: Intermediate concurrency, 50% of the processors on your system perform the operation.
- Moderate: Moderate concurrency, 25% of the processors on your system perform the operation.
- None: No concurrency. A single processor performs the operation. This option provides the least amount of processing speed.
In addition to the five possible concurrency values, you can also specify the number of cores to use, such as eight (8). If your computer has less than the specified number of cores, MapBasic defaults to using all available cores on that machine. Specifying zero (0), a negative number, or invalid text that is different from the five possible concurrency values causes an error.
Using theConcurrency clause:
Objects Overlay Into Target
Concurrency All