Returns a Brush value. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
MakeBrush( pattern, forecolor, backcolor)
pattern is an integer value from 1 to 8 or from 12 to 186, dictating a fill pattern. See Brush clause for a listing of the patterns.
forecolor is the integer RGB color value of the foreground of the pattern. See RGB() function for details.
backcolor is the integer RGB color value of the background of the pattern. To make the background transparent, specify -1 as the background color, and specify a pattern of 3 or greater.
Return Value
The MakeBrush() function returns a Brush value. The return value can be assigned to a Brush variable, or may be used as a parameter within a statement that takes a Brush setting as a parameter (such as Create Ellipse, Set Map, Set Style, or Shade).
See Brush clause for more information about Brush settings.
Include "mapbasic.def"
Dim b_water As Brush
b_water = MakeBrush(64, CYAN, BLUE)
See Also:
Brush clause, CurrentBrush() function, RGB() function, StyleAttr() function