Returns a rectangle object, representing the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of another object. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
MBR( obj_expr )
obj_expr is an object expression.
Return Value
Object (a rectangle)
The MBR() function calculates the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) which encompasses the specified obj_expr object.
A minimum bounding rectangle is defined as being the smallest rectangle which is large enough to encompass a particular object. In other words, the MBR of the United States extends east to the eastern tip of Maine, south to the southern tip of Hawaii, west to the western tip of Alaska, and north to the northern tip of Alaska.
The MBR of a point object has zero width and zero height.
Dim o_mbr As Object
Open Table "world"
Fetch First From world
o_mbr = MBR(world.obj)
See Also:
Centroid() function, CentroidX() function, CentroidY() function