Returns information about a frame within a legend. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
LegendFrameInfo( window_id, frame_id, attribute )
window_id is a number that specifies which legend window you want to query.
frame_id is a number that specifies which frame within the legend window you want to query. Frames are numbered 1 to n where n is the number of frames in the legend.
attribute is an integer code indicating which type of information to return. For values, see the table later in this description.
Return Value
Depends on the attribute parameter, see the table later in this description.
The window_id parameter specifies which window to query. To obtain a window identifier, call the FrontWindow() function immediately after opening a window, or call the WindowID() function at any time after the window's creation.
There are several attributes that LegendFrameInfo() returns about any given Legend window. The attribute parameter tells the LegendFrameInfo() function what Legend window statistic to return. The attribute parameter should be one of the codes from the following table; codes are defined in MAPBASIC.DEF.
Attribute Parameter | ID | LegendFrameInfo() Return Value |
FRAME_INFO_TYPE | 1 | Returns one of the following predefined constant indicating frame type:
FRAME_INFO_MAP_LAYER_ID | 2 | Returns the ID of the layer to which the frame corresponds. |
FRAME_INFO_REFRESHABLE | 3 | Returns TRUE if the frame was created without the Norefresh keyword. Always returns TRUE for theme frames. |
FRAME_INFO_POS_X | 4 | Returns the distance of the frame's upper left corner from the left edge of the legend canvas (in paper units). |
FRAME_INFO_POS_Y | 5 | Returns the distance of the frame's upper left corner from the top edge of the legend canvas (in paper units). |
FRAME_INFO_WIDTH | 6 | Returns the width of the frame (in paper units). For details about paper units, see Set Paper Units statement. |
FRAME_INFO_HEIGHT | 7 | Returns the height of the frame (in paper units). |
FRAME_INFO_TITLE | 8 | Returns the title of a style frame or theme frame. |
FRAME_INFO_TITLE_FONT | 9 | Returns the font of a legend frame title. If the frame has no title, returns the default title font. |
FRAME_INFO_SUBTITLE | 10 | Returns the subtitle of a style frame or theme frame. |
FRAME_INFO_BORDER_PEN | 12 | Returns the pen used to draw the border in a Cartographic Legend or Theme Legend window. This is not supported with Legend windows and returns a hollow (invisible) pen style: Pen (0, 1, 0). |
FRAME_INFO_NUM_STYLES | 13 | Returns the number of styles in a frame. |
FRAME_INFO_VISIBLE | 14 | Returns TRUE if the frame is visible (theme frames can be invisible). |
FRAME_INFO_COLUMN | 15 | Returns the legend attribute column name as a string if there is one. Returns an empty string for a theme frame. |
FRAME_INFO_LABEL | 16 | Returns the label expression as a string if there is one. Returns an empty string for a theme frame. |
FRAME_INFO_COLUMNS | 17 | Returns the number of columns in a legend frame. Returns -1 for a Cartographic Legend window. |
FRAME_INFO_NUM_VISIBLE_ROWS | 18 | Returns the number of visible rows in a legend frame. For Cartographic Legend windows (prior to version 11.5), returns -1. |
FRAME_INFO_LINE_SAMPLE_WIDTH | 19 | Returns line sample width in MapBasic paper units. Returns -1 for Cartographic Legend window or raster legend frame displaying a color bar. For details about paper units, see Set Paper Units statement. |
FRAME_INFO_REGION_SAMPLE_WIDTH | 20 | Returns region sample width in MapBasic paper units. Returns -1 for Cartographic Legend window or raster legend frame displaying a color bar. For details about paper units, see Set Paper Units statement. |
FRAME_INFO_REGION_SAMPLE_HEIGHT | 21 | Returns region sample height in MapBasic paper units. Returns -1 for Cartographic Legend window or raster legend frame displaying a color bar. For details about paper units, see Set Paper Units statement. |
FRAME_INFO_AUTO_FONT_SIZE | 22 | Returns the font size in use. Returns -1 for a raster legend frame displaying a color bar. |
FRAME_INFO_SHOW_COUNTS | 23 | Logical. Returns whether the record counts in the legend should be shown per row. This is only meaningful for classified raster legends. |
FRAME_INFO_DISPLAY_TYPE | 24 | DT_INTEGER. Returns a code that describe the way legend rows (the swatches and text) are drawn in a legend frame. This is only meaningful for raster legends, but all legend frames will return one of these values:
FRAME_INFO_BAR_THICKNESS | 25 | DT_FLOAT. Returns the thickness of the color bar for a continuous raster legend (FRAME_DISPLAY_TYPE_BAR) in the current MapBasic paper units. Returns -1 for any other type of legend frame. |
FRAME_INFO_BAR_LENGTH | 26 | DT_FLOAT. Returns the length of the color bar for a continuous raster legend (FRAME_DISPLAY_TYPE_BAR) in the current MapBasic paper units. Returns -1 for any other type of legend frame. |
FRAME_INFO_BAR_IS_HORIZONTAL | 27 | DT_LOGICAL: returns whether the color bar is horizontal. Returns true for horizontal color bar. Returns false for vertical color bar, or any other type of legend frame. |
See Also:
FrontWindow() function, LegendInfo() function, LegendTextFrameInfo() function, LegendStyleInfo() function, WindowID() function