Returns information about a layer in a Map window. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
LayerInfo( window_id, layer_number, attribute )
window_id is the integer window identifier of a Map window.
layer_number is the number of a layer in the current Map window (for example, 1 for the top layer); to determine the number of layers in a Map window, call the MapperInfo() function.
attribute is a code indicating the type of information to return; see table below.
Return Value
Return value depends on attribute parameter.
Many of the settings that you can query using LayerInfo() function only apply to conventional map layers (as opposed to Cosmetic map layers, thematic map layers, and map layers representing raster image tables). See example below.
The LayerInfo() function returns information about one layer in an existing Map window. The layer_number must be a valid layer (1 is the topmost table layer, and so on). The attribute parameter must be one of the codes from the following table; codes are defined in MAPBASIC.DEF. From here you can also query the Hotlink options using the LAYER_HOTLINK_* attributes.
Attribute Code | ID | LayerInfo() Return Value |
LAYER_INFO_NAME | 1 | String indicating the name of the table associated with this map layer. If the specified layer is the map's Cosmetic layer, the string will be a table name such as "Cosmetic1"; this table name can be used with other statements (for example, Select statement). |
LAYER_INFO_EDITABLE | 2 | Logical value, TRUE if the layer is editable. |
LAYER_INFO_SELECTABLE | 3 | Logical value, TRUE if the layer is selectable. |
LAYER_INFO_ZOOM_LAYERED | 4 | Logical, TRUE if zoom-layering is enabled. |
LAYER_INFO_ZOOM_MIN | 5 | Float value, indicating the minimum zoom value (in MapBasic's current distance units) at which the layer displays. (To set MapBasic's distance units, use Set Distance Units statement.) |
LAYER_INFO_ZOOM_MAX | 6 | Float value, indicating the maximum zoom value at which the layer displays. |
LAYER_INFO_COSMETIC | 7 | Logical, TRUE if this is the Cosmetic layer. |
LAYER_INFO_PATH | 8 | String value, representing the full directory path of the table associated with the map layer. |
LAYER_INFO_DISPLAY | 9 | SmallInt, indicating how and whether this layer is displayed; return value will be one of these values:
LAYER_INFO_OVR_LINE | 10 | Pen style used for displaying linear objects. If the base set of layer properties includes a stacked style, the pen returned is the first pass of the stacked style. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_PEN | 11 | Pen style used for displaying the borders of filled objects. If the base set of layer properties includes a stacked style, the pen returned is the first pass of the stacked style. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_BRUSH | 12 | Brush style used for displaying filled objects. If the base set of layer properties includes a stacked style, the brush returned is the first pass of the stacked style. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_SYMBOL | 13 | Symbol style used for displaying point objects. If the base set of layer properties includes a stacked style, the symbol returned is the first pass of the stacked style. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_FONT | 14 | Font style used for displaying text objects. If the base set of layer properties includes a stacked style, the font returned is the first pass of the stacked style. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_EXPR | 15 | String value, the expression used in labels. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_LT | 16 | SmallInt value, indicating what type of line, if any, connects a label to its original location after you move the label. The return value will match one of these values:
LAYER_INFO_LBL_CURFONT | 17 | For applications compiled with MapBasic 3.x, this query returns the following values:
Logical value: TRUE if layer is set to use the current font, or FALSE if layer is set to use the custom font (see LAYER_INFO_LBL_FONT). For applications compiled with MapBasic 4.0 or later, this query always returns FALSE. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_FONT | 18 | Font style used in labels. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_PARALLEL | 19 | Logical value, TRUE if layer is set for parallel labels. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_POS | 20 | SmallInt value, indicating label position. Return value will match one of these values (T=Top, B=Bottom, C=Center, R=Right, L=Left):
LAYER_INFO_ARROWS | 21 | Logical value, TRUE if layer displays direction arrows on linear objects. |
LAYER_INFO_NODES | 22 | Logical value, TRUE if layer displays object nodes. |
LAYER_INFO_CENTROIDS | 23 | Logical value, TRUE if layer displays object centroids. |
LAYER_INFO_TYPE | 24 | SmallInt value, indicating this layer's file type:
LAYER_INFO_LBL_VISIBILITY | 25 | SmallInt value, indicating whether labels are visible; see the Visibility clause of the Set Map statement. Return value will be one of these values:
LAYER_INFO_LBL_ZOOM_MIN | 26 | Float value, indicating the minimum zoom distance for this layer's labels. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_ZOOM_MAX | 27 | Float value, indicating the maximum zoom distance for this layer's labels. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_AUTODISPLAY | 28 | Logical value, TRUE if this layer is set to display labels automatically. See the Auto clause of the Set Map statement. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_OVERLAP | 29 | Logical value, TRUE if overlapping labels are allowed. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_DUPLICATES | 30 | Logical value, TRUE if duplicate labels are allowed. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_OFFSET | 31 | SmallInt value from 0 to 50, indicating how far the labels are offset from object centroids. The offset value represents a distance, in points. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_MAX | 32 | Integer value, indicating the maximum number of labels allowed for this layer. If no maximum has been set, return value is 2,147,483,647. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_PARTIALSEGS | 33 | Logical value, TRUE if the Label Partial Objects check box is checked for this layer. |
LAYER_INFO_HOTLINK_EXPR | 34 | Returns the layer's Hotlink filename expression. Can return empty string ("") |
LAYER_INFO_HOTLINK_MODE | 35 | Returns the layer's Hotlink mode, one of the following predefined values:
LAYER_INFO_HOTLINK_RELATIVE | 36 | Returns TRUE if the relative path option is on, FALSE otherwise. FALSE is default. |
LAYER_INFO_HOTLINK_COUNT | 37 | Allows you to query the number of hotlink definitions in a layer. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_ORIENTATION* | 38 | Smallint value, indicating the setting for the layer's auto label orientation. Return value will be one of these values:
LAYER_INFO_LAYER_ALPHA | 39 | SmallInt value, representing the alpha factor for the specified layer.
To set the translucency or alpha for a layer, use the Set Map statement. |
LAYER_INFO_LAYER_TRANSLUCENCY | 40 | SmallInt value, representing the translucency percentage for the specified layer.
To set the translucency or alpha for a layer, use the Set Map statement. |
LAYER_INFO_LABEL_ALPHA | 41 | SmallInt value, representing the alpha factor for the labels of the specified layer.
To set the translucency or alpha for a layer, use the Set Map LABELCLAUSE statement. |
LAYER_INFO_LAYERLIST_ID | 42 | Returns the overall numeric ID of the layer in the current layer list. For example, a layer may be the first group layer from the top down in the map layer list (its group layer ID would be 1), but it may be the 4th layer from the top. Thus its layer list ID would be 4. This ID can be used with the LayerListInfo() function. |
LAYER_INFO_PARENT_GROUP_ID | 43 | Returns the group layer ID of the immediate group containing this layer, returns 0 if layer is in the top level list. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_STYLE_COUNT | 44 | Smallint value, indicates the number of display style overrides. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_LBL_COUNT | 45 | Smallint value; indicates the number of label overrides. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_STYLE_CURRENT | 46 | Smallint value, indicates display style override index in current zoom range, 0 means no override. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_LBL_CURRENT | 47 | Smallint value, indicates label override index in current zoom range, 0 means no override. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_LINE_COUNT | 48 | Smallint value, indicates the number of Pen styles defined for displaying linear objects for the layer's base set of properties. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_PEN_COUNT | 49 | Smallint value, indicates the number of Pen styles defined for displaying borders of filled objects for the layer's base set of properties. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_BRUSH_COUNT | 50 | Smallint value, indicates the number of brush styles defined for displaying filled objects for the layer's base set of properties. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_SYMBOL_COUNT | 51 | Smallint value, indicates the number of symbol styles defined for displaying point objects for the layer's base set of properties. |
LAYER_INFO_OVR_FONT_COUNT | 52 | Smallint value, indicates the number of font styles defined for displaying text objects for the layer's base set of properties. This always returns 1, because font style is not supported by stacked styles. |
LAYER_INFO_TILE_SERVER_LEVEL | 53 | Smallint value, representing the tile server level used to display the layer in the current map view. -1 for non-tile server layers. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_AUTO_POSITION | 54 | Logical value, indicates if the advanced region labeling option for the layer is on or off. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_AUTO_SIZES | 55 | Logical value, defines the number of font sizes that can be used when attempting to fit labels within regions. The number of fonts can range from 1 to 10. A 0 (zero) value indicates that Default is chosen, so that MapInfo Pro defines the number of fonts to use. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_SUPPRESS_IF_NO_FIT | 56 | Logical value, indicates if this labeling option is On or Off. If after applying the optional font size step-downs the label still does not fit in the region, then the label is not drawn. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_AUTO_SIZE_STEP | 57 | Smallint value, defines the overall percentage font size step used for automatically resizing the label font to make a label fit. If the original font size is 24pt and the size step is defined as 66, then the smallest font will be 66% smaller than 24pt (the smallest font will be 8pt). |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_CURVED_BEST_POSITION | 58 | Logical value, indicates if auto positioning for curved labels is on or off. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_CURVED_FALLBACK | 59 | Logical value, indicates if the option to fallback to create a rotated label is on or off. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_USE_ABBREVIATION | 60 | Logical value, indicates if use of abbreviations is on or off. |
LAYER_INFO_ABBREVIATION_EXPR | 61 | Returns the field expression used for abbreviated labels. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_AUTO_CALLOUT | 62 | Logical value, indicates if the advanced region labeling option of rendering a callout for the layer is on or off. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_ORDER | 63 | Smallint value, a layer's labeling order. |
LAYER_INFO_FRIENDLYNAME | 64 | String value, the friendly name assigned to a layer. |
LAYER_INFO_GRIDLINE_COORDSYS | 65 | String value, containing the coordinate system used to create the gridline. Empty when layer is not a gridline. |
LAYER_INFO_GRIDLINE_SPACE_HORIZONTAL | 66 | Float value, returns the current actual gridline map spacing on screen, not the requested value. If using automatic spacing, this is the horizontal spacing. If lines are closer than the minimum horizontal paper spacing, this returns the horizontal spacing displayed on the map (which should be a larger value than requested). Returns 0.0 when layer is not a gridline. |
LAYER_INFO_GRIDLINE_SPACE_VERTICAL | 67 | Float value, returns the current actual gridline map spacing on screen, not the requested value. If using automatic spacing, this is the vertical spacing. If lines are closer than the minimum vertical paper spacing, this returns the vertical spacing displayed on the map (which should be a larger value than requested). Returns 0.0 when layer is not a gridline. |
LAYER_INFO_GRIDLINE_AUTO | 68 | Logical value, indicates TRUE if the layer is a gridline that is using automatic spacing. |
LAYER_INFO_GRIDLINE_MIN_HORIZONTAL | 69 | Float value, representing minimum paper spacing allowed between horizontal gridlines when using automatic spacing. The value is in the current paper unit (see Set Paper Units statement). Returns 0 when layer is not a gridline. |
LAYER_INFO_GRIDLINE_MIN_VERTICAL | 70 | Float value, representing minimum paper spacing allowed between vertical gridlines when using automatic spacing. The value is in the current paper unit (see Set Paper Units statement). Returns 0 when layer is not a gridline. |
LAYER_INFO_GRIDLINE_PAPER_HORIZONTAL | 71 | Float value, returns the requested paper distance if the spacing is automatic and the actual current paper distance if the spacing is not automatic. The value is in the current paper unit (see Set Paper Units statement). Returns 0 when layer is not a gridline. |
LAYER_INFO_GRIDLINE_PAPER_VERTICAL | 72 | Float value, returns the requested paper distance if the spacing is automatic and the actual current paper distance if the spacing is not automatic. The value is in the current paper unit (see Set Paper Units statement). Returns 0 when layer is not a gridline. |
LAYER_INFO_GRIDLINE_OFFSET | 73 | Float value, representing the current paper unit distance of gridline labels from the edge of the map (inwards). The value is in the current paper unit (see Set Paper Units statement). Returns -1 when layer is not a gridline. |
LAYER_INFO_LABEL_POS_RETRY | 74 | Logical value, TRUE if the label property for Try other positions is set and FALSE otherwise. |
LAYER_INFO_GRIDLINE_HORIZONTAL_LABEL_POS | 75 | Float value, for the current position of labels for horizontal gridlines. Return values are:
LAYER_INFO_GRIDLINE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POS | 76 | Float value, for the current position of labels for vertical gridlines. Return values are:
LAYER_INFO_GRIDLINE_LABEL_DIRECTION | 77 | Float value, for the label direction for gridlines. Return values are:
LAYER_INFO_ALIAS | 78 | String value, for the name of the layer as displayed in the MalpInfo Pro layers list. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_LINE_PEN | 79 | String value, for the line pen clause for the line used for the label callout. If this is a raster layer that does not support labels, then the session line pen is returned. |
LAYER_INFO_RASTER_CONTRAST | 80 | SmallInt value, representing the contrast of the image as a percentage (0-100%). |
LAYER_INFO_RASTER_BRIGHTNESS | 81 | SmallInt value, representing the brightness as a percentage (0-100%). |
LAYER_INFO_RASTER_ALPHA | 82 | SmallInt value, representing the alpha factor for the translucency of the image (0-100%). |
LAYER_INFO_RASTER_GREYSCALE | 83 | Logical value, representing if the image display should display as greyscale instead of the default image mode. |
LAYER_INFO_LABEL_EXPR_TABLE | 84 | String value, representing the name of the table used for label expression. |
LAYER_INFO_LBL_CURVED_PERCENT_OVER | 85 | Integer value, indicating the percentage value by which a label may extend beyond the end of a line (for example). |
LAYER_INFO_LEGEND | 86 | Logical value: Returns True if the layer supports legend |
LAYER_INFO_FILTER_ENABLED | 87 | Logical Value: True if Filter is enabled on map layer otherwise false. |
LAYER_INFO_FILTER_EXPR | 88 | String Value: Map Layer Filter expression condition string. |
LAYER_INFO_FILTER_TABLE_ALIAS | 89 | String Value: Map Layer hidden filter table alias name. |
LAYER_INFO_TIME_BEGIN_EXPR | 91 | String: date, time, or datetime expression – usually an indexed column. |
LAYER_INFO_TIME_BEGIN_EXPR2 | 92 | String: a time expression – usually a column. Only valid if begin_expr is of type date. |
LAYER_INFO_TIME_END_EXPR | 94 | String: date, time, or datetime expression – usually an indexed column. Unless it is a duration then it is a numeric expression. |
LAYER_INFO_TIME_END_EXPR2 | 95 | String: a time expression – usually a column. Only valid if end_expr is of type date. |
Logical: True if LAYER_INFO_TIME_END_EXPR Represents a duration |
LAYER_INFO_TIME_DURATION_UNIT | 97 | String: The time unit of the duration |
LAYER_INFO_TIME_EXTENT_BEGIN | 98 | DateTime: The lowest value of the time data in the layer’s table. Usually calculated from min() but can be specified manually |
LAYER_INFO_TIME_EXTENT_END | 99 | DateTime: The largest value of the time data in the layer’s table. Usually calculated from max() but can be specified manually |
LAYER_INFO_TIME_INTERVAL | 100 | Int: Default interval to split the time extents into a series of time periods |
LAYER_INFO_TIME_INTERVAL_UNIT | 101 | String: Time Unit |
LAYER_INFO_TIME_IGNORE_NULLS | 102 | Logical: include/exclude null values from time period query. |
For backwards compatibility, the original set of attributes before version 10.0 still work, and will return the values for the layer's first hotlink definition. If no hotlinks are defined when the function is called, then the following values are returned:
LAYER_INFO_HOTLINK_EXPR - empty string ("")
Many of the settings that you can query using LayerInfo() only apply to conventional map layers (as opposed to cosmetic map layers, thematic map layers, and map layers representing raster image tables).
To determine whether a map layer is a conventional layer, use the LAYER_INFO_TYPE setting, as shown below:
i_lay_type = LayerInfo( map_id, layer_number, LAYER_INFO_TYPE)
If i_lay_type = LAYER_INFO_TYPE_NORMAL Then
' ... then this is a "normal" layer
End If
The following example illustrates layer priority. If the label priority order is set as:
Set Map Window FrontWindow() LabelPriority 5, 1, 2, 4, 3
Then the following returns a value of 1, because the default draw order for labels is the same as the draw order for map layers (which is bottom up).
LayerInfo(FrontWindow(), 5, LAYER_INFO_LBL_ORDER)
See Also:
GroupLayerInfo function, LayerListInfo() function, MapperInfo() function, Set Map statement