Initializes an internal label pointer, so that you can query the label for a specific row in a map layer. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
LabelFindByID( map_window_id, layer_number, row_id, table, b_mapper )
map_window_id is an integer window id, identifying a Map window.
layer_number is the number of a layer in the current Map window (for example, 1 for the top layer).
row_id is a positive integer value, indicating the row number of the row whose label you wish to query.
table is a table name or an empty string (""): when you query a table that belongs to a seamless table, specify the name of the member table; otherwise, specify an empty string.
b_mapper is a logical value. Specify TRUE to query the labels that appear when the Map is active; specify FALSE to query the labels that appear when the map is inside a Layout.
Return Value
Logical value: TRUE means that a label exists for the specified row.
Call LabelFindByID() when you want to query the label for a specific row in a map layer. If the return value is TRUE, then a label exists for the row, and you can query the label by calling the LabelInfo() function.
The following example maps the World table, displays automatic labels, and then determines whether a label was drawn for a specific row in the table.
Include "mapbasic.def"
Dim b_morelabels As Logical
Dim i_mapid As Integer
Dim obj_mytext As Object
Open Table "World" Interactive As World
Map From World
i_mapid = FrontWindow()
Set Map Window i_mapid Layer 1 Label Auto On
' Make sure all labels draw before we continue...
Update Window i_mapid
' Now see if row # 1 was auto-labeled
b_morelabels = LabelFindByID(i_mapid, 1, 1, "", TRUE)
If b_morelabels Then
' The object was labeled; now query its label.
obj_mytext = LabelInfo(i_mapid, 1, LABEL_INFO_OBJECT)
' At this point, you could save the obj_mytext object
' in a permanent table; or you could query it by
' calling ObjectInfo() or ObjectGeography().
End If
See Also:
LabelFindFirst() function, LabelFindNext() function, LabelInfo() function