Import file_name
[ Type "GML21" ]
[ Layer layer_name]
[ Into table_name ]
[ Overwrite ]
[ CoordSys... ]
file_name is the name of the GML 2.1 file to import.
layer_name is the name of the GML layer.
table_name is the MapInfo table name.
Type is "GML21" for GML 2.1 files.
Overwrite causes the TAB file to be automatically overwritten. If Overwrite is not specified, an error will result if the TAB file already exists.
The Coordsys clause is optional. If the GML file contains a supported projection and the Coordsys clause is not specified, the projection from the GML file will be used. If the GML file contains a supported projection and the Coordsys clause is specified, the projection from the Coordsys clause will be used. If the GML file does not contain a supported projection, the Coordsys clause must be specified.
Note: If the Coordsys clause does not match the projection of the GML file, your data may not import correctly. The coordinate system must match the coordinate system of the data in the GML file. It will not transform the data from one projection to another.
Sample importing using GML21 style:
Import "D:\midata\GML\GML2.1\mi_usa.xml" Type "GML21" layer "USA" Into
"D:\midata\GML\GML2.1\mi_usa_USA.TAB" Overwrite CoordSys Earth Projection
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