Prompts the user to select one sheet from a seamless table, and then returns the name of the chosen sheet. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
GetSeamlessSheet( table_name )
table_name is the name of a seamless table that is open.
Return Value
String, representing a table name (or an empty string if user cancels).
This function displays a dialog box listing all of the sheets that make up a seamless table. If the user chooses a sheet and clicks OK, this function returns the table name the user selected. If the user cancels, this function returns an empty string.
Sub Browse_A_Table(ByVal s_tab_name As String)
Dim s_sheet As String
If TableInfo(s_tab_name, TAB_INFO_SEAMLESS) Then
s_sheet = GetSeamlessSheet(s_tab_name)
If s_sheet <> "" Then
Browse * From s_sheet
End If
Browse * from s_tab_name
End If
End Sub
See Also:
Set Table statement, TableInfo() function