Converts a string containing a Spatial Reference System into a CoordSys clause that can be used with any MapBasic function or statement. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
EPSGToCoordSysString$( srs_string )
srs_string is a String describing a Spatial Reference System (SRS) for any supported coordinate systems. SRS strings are also referred to as EPSG (European Petroleum Survey Group) strings (for example, epsg:2600). For a complete list of EPSG codes used with MapInfo Pro see the MAPINFOW.PRJ file in your MapInfo Pro installation. The EPSG codes are identified by a "\p" followed by a number.
The EPSGToCoordSysString$() is used to convert a SRS String into a CoordSys clause that can be used in any MapBasic function or statement that takes a CoordSys clause as an input.
The following example sets the coordinate system of a map to Earth Projection 1, 104.
run command("Set Map " + EPSGToCoordSysString$("EPSG:4326"))
See Also:
CoordSys clause