Closes a DDE conversation.
DDETerminate channel
channel is an integer channel number returned by the DDEInitiate() function.
The DDETerminate statement closes the DDE channel specified by the channel parameter.
The channel parameter must correspond to the channel number returned by the DDEInitiate() function call (which initiated the conversation). Once a DDE conversation has served its purpose and is no longer needed, the MapBasic program should terminate the conversation through the DDETerminate statement or the DDETerminate All statement.
Note: Multiple MapBasic applications can be in use simultaneously, and each application can open its own DDE channels. However, a given MapBasic application may only close the DDE channels which it opened. A MapBasic application may not close DDE channels which were opened by another MapBasic application.
Error Conditions
ERR_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED (642) error generated if not running on Windows.
ERR_INVALID_CHANNEL (696) error generated if the specified channel number is invalid.