Creates a new Theme Legend window tied to the specified Map window. You can issue this statement from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
For MapInfo Pro versions 5.0 and later, the Create Cartographic Legend statement allows you to create and display cartographic style legends. Refer to the Create Cartographic Legend statement for more information.
Create Legend
[ From Window window_ID ]
[ { Show | Hide } ]
window_ID is an integer, representing a MapInfo Pro window ID for a Map window.
This statement creates a special floating, Thematic Legend window, in addition to the standard MapInfo Pro Legend window. (To open MapInfo Pro's standard Legend window, use the Open Window Legend statement.)
The Create Legend statement is useful if you want the Legend of a Map window to always be visible, even when the Map window is not active. Also, this statement is useful in "Integrated Mapping" applications, where MapInfo Pro windows are integrated into another application, such as a Visual Basic application. For information about Integrated Mapping, see the MapBasic User Guide.
If you include the From Window clause, the new Theme Legend window is tied to the window that you specify; otherwise, the new window is tied to the most recently used Map.
If you include the optional Hide keyword, the window is created in a hidden state. You can then show the hidden window by using the Set Window...Show statement.
After you issue the Create Legend statement, determine the new window's integer ID by calling WindowID( 0 ). Use that window ID in subsequent statements (such as the Set Window statement).
The new Theme Legend window is created according to the parent and style settings that you specify through the Set Next Document statement.
See Also:
Create Cartographic Legend statement, Open Window statement, Set Next Document statement, Set Window statement