Displays the Choose Projection dialog box and returns the coordinate system selected by the user. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
ChooseProjection$( initial_coordsys, get_bounds )
initial_coordsys is a string value in the form of a CoordSys clause. It is used to set which coordinate system is selected when the dialog box is first displayed. If initial_coordsys is empty or an invalid CoordSys clause, then the default Longitude/Latitude coordinate system is used as the initial selection.
get_bounds is a logical value that determines whether the users is prompted for boundary values when a non-earth projection is selected. If get_bounds is true then the boundary dialog box is displayed. If false, then the dialog box is not displayed and the default boundary is used.
This function displays the Choose Projection dialog box and returns the selected coordinate system as a string. The returned string is in the same format as the CoordSys clause. Use this function if you wish to allow the user to set a projection within your application.
Dim strNewCoordSys As String
strNewCoordSys = ChooseProjection$( "", True)
strNewCoordSys = "Set " + strNewCoordSys
Run Command strNewCoordSys
See Also: