Returns information about a specific bar chart thematic layer in a map. You can call this function from the MapBasic window in MapInfo Pro.
BarChartThemeInfo ( map_window_id, thematic_layer_id, attribute )
is a Map window identifier.
is a SmallInt
that identifies a bar chart thematic layer in a Map.
is a SmallInt
code indicating the type of information to return; see table below.
Return Value
Depends on the attribute
parameter can be any value from the table below.
Attribute code | ID | BarChartThemeInfo() returns |
BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_GRADUATION | 1 | SmallInt result, representing how the differences in numerical values correspond to differences in bar height. Three methods are supported.BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_GRAD_ROOT(0) "SQRT" (square root) method assigns increasingly larger bar chart height as the square roots of the values increase. BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_GRAD_LOG(1) Const symbol sizes. BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_GRAD_LOG(2) Height change based on log values. |
BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_ORIENTATION | 2 | SmallInt result, representing relative position of the bottom of bar chart to the centroid of each object geometry. 9 orientation values are possible.BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_ORI_CC(0) Center Center. BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_ORI_TL(1) Top Left. BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_ORI_TC(2) Top Center. BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_ORI_TR(3) Top Right. BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_ORI_CL (4) Center Left. BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_ORI_CR(5) Center Right. BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_ORI_BL(6) Below Left. BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_ORI_BC(7) Below Center. BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_ORI_BR(8) Below Right. |
BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_PEN | 3 | Pen clause for the bar chart border |
BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_CHART_TYPE | 4 | SmallInt result, representing the type of bar chart: stacked or independent.BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_CHART_STA(0) Stacked bars. BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_CHART_MUL(1) Multiple bars. |
BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_GRAD_STACKS | 5 | Logical result (T or F) whether stacked bar chart are graduated or not. |
BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_INDEP_SCALES | 6 | Logical result (T or F) whether multiple bar charts are independent or not. |
BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_HEIGHT | 7 | Float result, representing numeric value that correspond to height of bar chart in paper unit. |
BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_HEIGHT_UNIT | 8 | String result, representing the paper unit of the bar chart height. |
BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_HEIGHT_VALUE | 9 | Float result, representing numeric value that correspond to the used bar chart paper unit used in BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_HEIGHT |
BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_WIDTH | 10 | Float result, representing numeric value that correspond to width of bar chart in paper unit. |
BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_WIDTH_UNIT | 11 | String result, representing the paper unit of the bar chart width. |
BARCHARTTHEME_INFO_BRUSH | 12 | Brush clause for the bar chart brush |
See Also: