Each function and statement is described in the following format:
Brief description of the function, clause, or statement.
Information about limitations (for example, "The DDEInitiate function is only available under Microsoft Windows," "You cannot issue a For…Next statement through the MapBasic window").
The format in which you should use the function or statement and explanation of argument(s).
Return Value
The type of value returned by the function.
Thorough explanation of the function or statement's role and any other pertinent information.
A brief example.
A description ends with a list of links to related functions and statements.
Most MapBasic statements can be typed directly into MapInfo Pro through the MapBasic window. If a statement may not be entered through the MapBasic window, then the Restrictions section identifies the limitation. Generally, flow-control statements (such as looping and branching statements) cannot be entered through the MapBasic window.