Ironstream service is split into five components:
The core Ironstream component, which has the identifier “SDF”. Core Ironstream component fixes are called SDFvvnn, where vv is the Ironstream version that the fix applies to.
The Data Collection Extension (DCE) component, which has the identifier “DCE”.DCE fixes are called DCEvvnn, where vv is the version that the fix applies to.
The Ironstream Desktop (IDT) component, which has the identifier “ZEN”. IDT fixes are called ZENvvnn, where vv is the version that the fix applies to.
The Log4j Collector component, which has the identifier “SDJ”. Log4j fixes are called SDJvvnn, where vv is the version that the fix applies to.
The SDJ fixes only apply to the log4j appender-specific forwarding component. This component is not necessary when forwarding log4j logs using the Unix System Services (USS) file tailing option.
The Kafka component, which has the identifier “SDK”. Kafka fixes are called SDKvvnn, where vv is the version that the fix applies to.
Sample SMP/E JCL and control statements are provided in <hlq>.SDFWORK
in members SDFP*.