The security user ID under which your Ironstream tasks are run, whether you use RACF, ACF2, or Top Secret, must have an OMVS segment with a UID (user ID) and GID (group ID). No other settings are necessary for Ironstream to function.
The following are optionally required depending on your required data sources:
IBM Cross-System Coupling Facility (XCF) is required by some Ironstream run-time components. A single XCF group is required, although multiple groups can be used depending on the data sources and volumes.
IDT requires unique domain and HTTP server ports.
If you plan to use the RMF III data source, you must configure access to the RMF Distributed Data Server (DDS).
IDT and a number of NMC components require a VTAM application major node, and in some cases a VTAM ACB is required. Some components make use of data spaces.
IDT uses the ZFS created during the SMP/E process.
These instructions assume that you have an existing process for copying the appropriate installation system target data sets to each deployment system. You must ensure that you have a reliable method for copying the ZFS files as well.