ANDing Patterns Together - ironstream_for_servicenow_service_mp - 1.1

Ironstream for ServiceNow® Service Mapping for IBM i Guide

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Ironstream > Ironstream for ServiceNow® Service Mapping
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Ironstream for ServiceNow Service Mapping for IBM i
Ironstream for ServiceNow® Service Mapping for IBM i Guide
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All patterns that have the same Pattern Name and CI Type will have their criteria AND’ed together, i.e. for a CI to be part of a Service it must meet the criteria from all the Patterns with the same name.

This allows more flexible pattern matching. For example, you may have two Libraries which have a Program of the same name, however only one is part of a given Service. Using ANDed Patterns, you can ensure that only one of the two Programs is added to the Service.

To achieve this, all the Patterns that you wish to be AND’ed together must have the name Pattern Name and CI Type.

ANDing patterns together is simple to do through the UI either by:

  • Using of the Copy Existing Pattern drop-down

  • Or, by typing the pattern name into the Pattern Name input.

To ensure that ANDed patterns are always capable of adding at least one CI to a Service, each of the following fields must contain the same value in each pattern to be AND’ed:

  • Pattern Name

  • Service Name

  • Traversal

  • Max Depth

If the fields do not match then the Service Map may be produced incorrectly, or not at all.

Patterns are processed by CI Type, which means two patterns for Library CIs and two patterns for Active Jobs CIs all had the same name, the Library and Active Jobs patterns would form two separate sets of criteria For Active Jobs only the two Active Job patterns would be processed together and for Libraries on the two Library patterns would be processed together.

OR functionality is implemented by having patterns with different names. For example, if Pattern1 has Library Name=ABC and Pattern2 has Library Name=DEF, then Libraries matching either Pattern1 or Pattern2 will be present in the service.