Glossary of Terms - Ironstream_Hub - 7.4

Ironstream for ServiceNow® Event Management for IBM i Installation

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Ironstream > Ironstream for ServiceNow® Event Management
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Ironstream for ServiceNow Event Management for IBM i
Ironstream for ServiceNow® Event Management for IBM i Installation
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Ironstream for ServiceNow Event Management for IBM i


Software for creating an environment which transfers data from the Ironstream agents running on IBM Z or IBM i systems to specific targets. It runs on either Windows or Linux.

Ironstream for ServiceNow Event Management for IBM i Portal

Hub Portal The web browser-based user interface where Ironstream data pipelines are configured.

Ironstream® Agent for IBM i

IBM i Agent

Software on an IBM i LPAR that generates messages that can be received by Hub.

Ironstream® Agent for IBM Z

IBM Z Agent

Software in an IBM z/OS LPAR that generates messages that can be received by Hub.

Ironstream® for IBM i

Configuration Tool

Configuration Tool

A web browser-based user interface that provides a single location for defining the connection and collection details for IBM i Agents.

Note: IBM Z Agents are not configured using this tool. Those settings are defined in the LPAR itself. See the Ironstream for Splunk for IBM Z Configuration and User Guide for details on how define what data is sent to Hub from an IBM Z LPAR.

Hub Service

Hub Service

The Service that is created, as part of the installation process, to run Hub.


A Record is a single set of data in a Hub Pipeline. Records can be in raw, JSON, CSV or other formats. Events and messages can be called Records.


Pipelines define how data moves from a Data Source through Processes to Data Targets.

Data Source

The origin of a Record. Examples of a Data Sources include: Ironstream for IBM Z and IBM i Agents.

Source Connector

A Source Connector is a process that starts a Pipeline.

Data Target

A Data Target defines where a Record is sent.

Target Connector

A Target Connector is a process that sends data to its Target and is the end point of a Pipeline. Target Connectors currently include TCP/IP and File.


A Process is a function to process data. Processes can extract, filter, transform, aggregate, and filter data.


Routing refers to the method Hub uses to join a Source, an arbitrary number of Processes and an arbitrary number of targets into one or more Pipelines.