Phase 3: Updating Ironstream Parameter Cards - ironstream_for_servicenow_discovery_1 - 7.5

Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery for IBM Z® Installation

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Ironstream > Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery
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Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery for IBM Z®
Ironstream for ServiceNow® Discovery for IBM Z® Installation
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Modify initialization parameter cards to match the resources you have configured for the Ironstream client configuration. The parameter card dataset member(s) are pointed to by the SYSIN DD of the started task.

The Ironstream parameter cards are located in:


Parameter cards may contain system symbols to ensure uniqueness if the same dataset member is being used for multiple LPARs. Symbols must start with an ampersand (&) and must end with a period if the symbol substitution occurs in the middle of a string. For example, to incorporate the value of &SYSNAME. into the name of the console defined for the CMD subtask, the parameter card would look like:


Note: Strings resulting from symbol substitution must conform to the length and syntax requirements of the parameter.

A detailed description of the parameter cards follows.

CMD Parameter Card

Provides Ironstream with the ability to issue z/OS (MVS) commands.

Valid Values

consname [LOG|NOLOG] [HC={YES|NO}]

Sample Syntax



This card will initialize the CMD subtask, which is used to send z/OS (MVS) commands from Ironstream to the mainframe OS.


consname Required. Specify a 1-8 character name for the extended MCS console you wish to define for issuing z/OS (MVS) commands. If this name is defined in RACF, the OPERPARM values in the RACF entry for this name are used for the console definition. Otherwise, a console is defined with default parameters AUTH=MASTER and ROUTCDE=NONE. (See Appendix A for information on defining an extended console to RACF.)
LOG|NOLOG Optional. Specify LOG to force a system log message to be written for all z/OS commands entered from an Ironstream server. The commands are recorded in the system log with an EVO033 message. Specifying NOLOG here suppresses the writing of the EVO033 message. NOLOG is the default.
HC={YES|NO} Optional. Specify HC=YES to record all commands and responses from this extended console in the mainframe hardcopy log. HC=NO will prevent any hardcopy logging of the commands that are sent in from the Ironstream client. HC=NO is the default.

DELAY Parameter Card

Number of seconds to wait until the next attempt to restart a subtask.

Valid Values

1 to 86400 (seconds)

Sample Syntax



Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) before a subtask attempts restarting itself following a termination. The maximum delay time allowed is 86,400 seconds (one day). Each subtask parameter card can be coded with its own unique delay time. Customize any subtask by entering in the desired DELAY card immediately before the subtask card. Any DELAY value entered becomes the default for all subsequent subtask cards.

The delay time reflects how quickly a needed resource can be recovered. A TCP subtask may require time to reset the port through which the workstation is connected. The default DELAY value is 30 seconds.

FILTER Parameter Card

Identifies the z/OS commands that may be issued to the mainframe agent.

Valid Parameters

CMD regexpression

Sample Syntax




Use this card to identify z/OS (MVS) commands that may be issued through the Ironstream extended console (initialized by the CMD parameter card above). Specify only one command expression per FILTER CMD line. If a command is issued which has no match in the command filter table, an EVO161 message will be returned to inform the caller that the command is unauthorized.

Note: If no FILTER CMD cards are specified, then all commands will be forwarded to the console with no restrictions.



A Unix-style regular expression. An incoming command must match one of the regular expressions in the table of command filters before it will be sent to the console for execution. Be sure to use correct characters for the caret and square brackets if those characters are used in the regexpression. In the default IBM-1047 codeset, the values are:

Character   EBCDIC HexadecimalValue
Caret ^ x’5F’
Left Square Bracket [ x’AD’
Right Square Bracket ] x’BD’

(Depending on the character mapping of the terminal emulator, the caret symbol may be displayed as a “not” ¬ symbol.)

NLS Parameter Card

Set the National Language Support (NLS) codeset value.

Valid Parameters

[CODESET=value] [LANG=langcode]

Sample Syntax




This card is used to identify the character set used on the mainframe and language used for supported message translations. The value must be a codeset provided by the z/OS Language Environment. A list of codeset values is provided in Appendix D of the IBM C/C++ Programming Guide (IBM publication SC09-4765). The langcode must be a supported language code that is available on this mainframe.


value The name of the codeset for the locale of the mainframe. The default is the EBCDIC "IBM-1047" codepage.
langcode The 3-character language code used for message translations. The default is "ENG" (English).

OSINFO Parameter Card

Initializes the OSI subtask to respond to various requests for z/OS Operating System information and statistics.

Valid Parameters

[SDSFMAX=s] [BYTESMAX=b][CPCONV={cp,old,new}[,...]] [(q)]

Sample Syntax

OSINFO BYTESMAX=120000 CPCONV=IBM-1146,5B,4A,*,4A,4B4B (20000)


Use the OSINFO card to initialize a subtask which will accept command type 46 requests from the Ironstream client and perform the requested function. See the Ironstream Administration Guide for syntax of type 46 requests and the available options. The //ISFIN and //ISFOUT DD names must be present in the agent's JCL to use the SDSF requests. These are normally defined as temporary datasets.


s (Optional) An integer value indicating the maximum number of lines of information that will be returned from the queries to SDSF (OSINFO type 06, 07, and 08 commands). Each line will contain information about one job. The default is 1000.
b (Optional) An integer value indicating the maximum number of bytes that can be returned from Rexx commands (OSINFO type 12) and MQ commands (type 50). The default is 100000. This value can be overridden in individual Type 12 and Type 50 commands by adding the MAXSIZE option to the command.
cp ,old,new (Optional) A set of code page conversion values that are used when the Dataset Display (OSINFO Type 10) is selected, to be used in situations where original data may not match the currently running codepage. If the current codepage matches the cp value (or an asterisk for all code pages), then any instance of an old character in a dataset display is converted to new, where old and new are specified by their two-character hexadecimal codes. Up to five characters may be specified for old and new. For example: *,4A,4B4B will replace all instances of the x’4A’ character with two x’4B’ characters, regardless of the codepage setting.
q (Optional) An integer value indicating the number of entries to reserve for addresses of Ironstream internal queue entries that are to be freed when no longer needed. The default is 12000. Use this parameter to increase the queue size if the Ironstream SYSPRINT output displays warning messages “could not add address to OSI free queue” following a large output. If used, the parenthetical queue size must be the last parameter on the OSINFO line.

PRINTCARDS Parameter Card

Write the SYSIN cards to the SYSPRINT.

Valid Values


Sample Syntax



The PRINTCARDS card instructs the VP390 job to print each of the SYSIN lines that it reads to the SYSPRINT, excluding blank lines and comment lines. This is usually only used to document the cards that have been read when sending the SYSPRINT output to support for problem analysis. Enter PRINTCARDS as the first line of the SYSIN dataset member to document all the lines of the SYSIN input.

The PRINTCARDS card can be used multiple times in the SYSIN as a toggle control. The second occurrence of PRINTCARDS will stop the writing to SYSPRINT, the third occurrence will resume the writing, and so forth.




Overrides to the default MQ Series queue names

Valid Values

Valid MQ Series queue names (up to 48 characters)

Sample Syntax



These three parameter cards define overrides to the default MQ queue names when sending a command to the MQ Series. (See "Using OSINFO System Information API Commands" option 50 on page 24 of the Administrator's Reference.) The default queue names are:

Dynamic Output Queue EVIEW.COMMAND.REPLY.Q

If any of these default names are changed, the associated RACF permission must be changed to match the new names. (See "WebSphere MQ" on page 35.)

If used, these MQ parameter cards must be placed in the SYSIN deck ahead of the OSINFO card.



RESTART Parameter Card

Number of restart attempts to allow a subtask before giving up.

Valid Values

1 to 65535, or UNLIMITED

Sample Syntax



Specifies the number of times a subtask attempts to automatically restart. After this limit is reached, the subtask remains in a "down" state until it is manually reactivated using the INIT command. (See the description of the INIT command in Appendix A of the Ironstream Administation Guide.) Specify UNLIMITED instead of a number to allow a subtask to make an unlimited number of restart attempts. Each subtask can have a unique restart count by specifying another RESTART card immediately before the card which defines the subtask. The default RESTART value is 5.

SMF Parameter Card

Initializes the SMF subtask to send SMF data to the ServiceNow server at specific intervals.

Valid Values
                       [:type2][,type]... )

Sample Syntax

One card:


or multiple cards:

SMF REC=TYPE(30(1,3:5))
SMF REC=TYPE(40,80,83)

where the INTERVAL parameter is required only on the first line.


The SMF card initializes a subtask which will install SMF exits to collect SMF record data and poll for the collected data on the specified interval and send the SMF data to the ServiceNow MID server. The Discovery processes requires SMF Type 30 records of subtype 4 and 5 if mainframe job and program probes are active.

Specifying the SMF records on this card follows the same syntax rules as the “REC=” option in the SMFPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.


n An integer value indicating how often, in seconds, new SMF data is collected and sent to the Splunk server.
TYPE|NOTYPE Specifies if the list of SMF records types are to be included (TYPE) or excluded (NOTYPE). (If multiple SMF cards are used, all cards must contain the same TYPE or NOTYPE option.)
type An SMF record type (0-255). Multiple record types may be specified by using a comma (1,2,3,4) and a range of record types may be specified by using a colon (1:4). Although any SMF record type may be specified, only Type 30 is necessary for ServiceNow Discovery.
subtype An SMF subtype (0-32767) for a given record. Subtypes are listed in parentheses immediately following the parent record type. Multiple subtypes may be specified by using a comma (1,2,3,4) and a range of subtypes may be specified by using a colon (1:4). If no subtypes are specified for a record, then all subtypes are collected (if the TYPE option is in effect) or discarded (if the NOTYPE option is in effect). Although any SMF record subtype may be specified, the SMF exits will only collect subtypes 4 and 5 of SMF Type 30 for Discovery.


Size of the dataspace buffer to hold incoming SMF records.

Valid Values

32768 to 2147483647

Sample Syntax



The SMFDATASPACE card specifies the size (in bytes) of the dataspace that will be used as a buffer to hold SMF records retrieved by the SMF exit programs. The default size is 20 megabytes. If an invalid value is specified, an EVO008 error message will be written to the joblog, and the default size will be used.

TCP Parameter Card

Identify port numbers and parameters for the TCP/IP connection to the Ironstream client.

Valid Values

mmsport cmdport [hlq] [BUFDD=dd1,dd2 [ACK=ack] [LIMIT=limit]] [HB=hb] [BINDIP=bindaddr] [SERVERIP=servaddr[/{maskaddr|maskprefix}]] [TLS=Y|N|V] [KEYF=filename1] [STAF=filename2]

Sample Syntax



This card will initialize a TCP subtask, which is responsible for opening two TCP/IP ports on the mainframe, then waiting for an Ironstream client component to start communication with the mainframe agent via these ports. While it waits for a connection, the TCP subtask can optionally write new mainframe messages to a set of buffering files, and then send the buffered messages after a connection is established. If you are also using the same Ironstream job for Discovery and Operations Management, you will need to define two TCP parameter cards. The mmsport and cmdport parameters must be unique for each TCP card defined. TLS encryption between the agent and the server is available. The additional steps for setting up TLS encryption are given in Appendix B.


mmsport Port number opened on the mainframe for establishing a socket connection with the Master Message Server task on the Ironstream client. This number must match the EVOMF_HCI_AGENT_PORT value entered when adding the S/390 node through the Ironstream Task Manager.
cmdport Port number opened on the mainframe for establishing a socket connection with the Command Server task on the Ironstream client. This number must match the EVOMF_CMDS_AGENT_PORT value entered when adding the S/390 node through the Ironstream Task Manager.
hlq Optional, deprecated. High-level qualifier (hlq) for the mainframe TCP/IP datasets. This parameter is used to find the TCP/IP profile datasets, and is needed only if the default hlq is not used during TCP/IP installation. The hlq must be identified on each card. The TCP subtask will not be initialized if the hlq is misstated.
BUFDD=dd1,dd2 Optional. The DD names of the two buffering datasets. These DD names must be listed in the VP390 startup job, and they must point to predefined datasets with DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=V,LRECL=1663).
ACK=ack Optional. The number of unsolicited mainframe messages that will be passed on to the Ironstream client before an acknowledgment is expected from the Ironstream client. By default, Ironstream will expect an acknowledgment after every 5 messages. If an acknowledgment is not received, the mainframe agent will resend all of the messages back to the last successful acknowledgment. Then, if the Ironstream client acknowledgment is still not received, the mainframe agent will close the TCP/IP connection and wait for a reconnect request. Upon reconnection, all unacknowledged messages back to the last successful acknowledgment will be resent to the Ironstream client. The ACK parameter is only valid if BUFDD is specified.
LIMIT=limit Optional. The age limit (in minutes) of buffered messages that the mainframe agent will send to the Ironstream client. By default, messages read from the buffering files that are over 20 minutes old will not be forwarded to the Ironstream client. Set this value to 0 to receive all buffered messages regardless of their age. The LIMIT parameter is only valid if BUFDD is specified.
HB=hb Optional. Length of time (in seconds) between heartbeat tests to verify the TCP/IP connection. By default, a short heartbeat message will be sent between the Ironstream client and the mainframe agent every 30 seconds.
BINDIP=bindaddr Optional. An IPV4 dotted decimal address that names a specific mainframe IP address that the listening ports should bind to (useful at sites with multiple TCP/IP addresses defined in the same mainframe LPAR).
SERVERIP=servaddr Optional. An IPV4 dotted decimal address that names a specific MID Server IP address that the listening ports will accept a connection from. servaddr must be specified in the nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn IP address format. Additionally, the servaddr can be masked to allow a range of IP addresses to connect to the ports. To specify a mask, add a slash (/) after servaddr followed by either a dotted decimal maskaddr (e.g., or a numerical maskprefix between 0-32 to represent the number of bits to be included in the mask starting from the leftmost bit (e.g.: "16" would be equivalent to

Optional. Enter "Y" to specify that TLS encryption should be used for connections between the mainframe and the MID server. By default, TLS encryption will not be used for the session.

Specify "V" to validate client certificates to verify that the address of the incoming connection request matches the DNS name specified in the certificate's Common Name. This option will require the DNS name of the MID server be resolvable by the mainframe.

See Appendix B for instructions on using these options.

Optional. The "KEYF", and "STAF" options are used when defining TLS encryption for the connection. These options are only valid when "TLS=Y" or "TLS=V" is specified. See Appendix B for instructions on using these options.

TSOUTPUT Parameter Card

Name a dataset for the capture of NETSTAT output.

Valid values

A valid name for a pre-allocated z/OS dataset - the Discovery agent must have read and write access to this dataset.

Sample Syntax



This optional parameter allows you to name a dataset to be used for capturing NETSTAT output. This is used by the OSINFO type 46 commands with options 110 through 114. If you do not provide it here, you must ensure there is a //TSOUTPUT DD statement in the agent JCL pointing to a dataset.

The dataset must be pre-allocated and have attributes of: