- Before you install or upgrade the Ironstream Mainframe Discovery app, a data source of
needs to be added. The data source is required by the ServiceNow IRE. The data source cannot be added in the app (as part of the installation process) because the choice field for the data source must be in the ServiceNow global scope. To add the data source, go to the Scripts - Background area in ServiceNow and run the following script in the global domain:var discoverySource = 'Ironstream_Z'; var gr = new GlideRecord('sys_choice'); gr.addQuery('element', 'discovery_source'); gr.addQuery('name', 'cmdb_ci'); gr.addQuery('value', discoverySource); gr.query(); if (!gr.hasNext()) { var grNew = new GlideRecord('sys_choice'); grNew.initialize(); grNew.setValue('element', 'discovery_source'); grNew.setValue('name', 'cmdb_ci'); grNew.setValue('value', discoverySource); grNew.setValue('label', discoverySource); if (!grNew.insert()) { gs.info('Adding discovery source failed for: "' + discoverySource + '".'); } } else { gs.info('Discovery source "' + discoverySource + '" already exists.'); }
- Download the Ironstream Mainframe Discovery app from the ServiceNow store and proceed to the Ironstream Administrator Reference documentation for instructions on configuring the Ironstream Proxy Server.
Note: If you already have a version of the app installed, your existing probe configurations will not be retained. This is the current behavior of ServiceNow.